Colour can certainly be found on the foliage plants that flourish here in the northern tropics. Plants like the Crotons ...
... and the Acalyphas.
There's also sensational colour in the sunrises at this time of year. Autumn sunrises can be fabulous.
There are brilliant golden yellow Acacia blooms visible out in the bushland around us. Autumn into early Winter is the time for the Wattle display here in the foothills. It's a real shame though that thugs like the Lantana camara and Jatropha gossypifolia or Chonky Apple, make life very difficult for the fabulous native Acacias.
Imagine the spectacle if these stunning Acacias covered the hillsides here! As it is, they are almost like highlight plants in the bush, as if to remind us that they're not completely obliterated by the invaders!!
When it comes to flower power in my garden right now though ... it's a rather weak effort. Nothing quite as spectacular as those Acacia blooms. Of course, there's always a red-flowering Hibiscus to be spotted somewhere at my place, no matter what time of year it is.
But I do tend to think of them as the quiet wallflower that stays on the fringes of the dance or the party. They don't really attract much attention. I had to make a very determined effort to find some flowers to flaunt today. There was only a smattering to be found. Let's see what's out there ...
the Torenia fournieri,
the Zinnia 'Summer Brilliance',
the Salvia farinacea 'Victoria White',
my dwarf Azalea kurume,
the Spathoglottis plicata,
the Ixora chinensis 'Golden Ball',
and the Russelia juncea.
Oh, yes ... I almost forgot. There are lovely flower heads on the weedy grass that attempts to grow on the nutrient-poor ground here. Can I include those? Thankfully the Wallabies love munching on them, so we try do the environmentally-friendly thing and not bother to mow them down too often!!!
I'm joining Tootsie for Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers
and Tina's Weekend Flowers