Friday, September 13, 2024

Friday Flower Flaunt ... Early Spring 2024

Wow!  It's been almost 10 years since I last posted on this blog and it's good to be back.  So much happened in between then and now, and my garden deteriorated markedly over that time.  I'm now retired though and eager to create something better that brings back the joy I used to feel when wandering around my place.

Here's to a new chapter in the story of my place!

September is our first month of Spring and here in the dry tropics it's also approaching the end of our long dry season.  I've been out and about searching high and low for some beauties to share, so here we go ...

In the driveway garden beds:

The first of the Calliandra haematocephala blooms (commonly known as Powder Puff)

The very last of the Tabebuia flowers.  

Thunbergia erecta 'Tru Blu'

Russelia equisetiformis 


In the courtyard garden:

Petrea volubilis (also known as the Purple Wreath, the Queen's Wreath and the Sandpaper Vine)

Turnera subulata  (also known as White Buttercup or the Sulphur Alder)

Torenias (also known as the Wishbone Flower)


Adenium obesums (also known as Desert Roses)

I'm joining Floral Friday Fotos


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