This pair I particularly love ... dwarf Angelonia angustifolia and Salvia leucantha 'Santa Barbara'.
The foliage and flower of Episcia cupreata certainly make a lovely combination.
A pair of Jacobinia carnea (syn. Justicia carnea) plumes is such a pretty sight ...
... as is a pair of Gerbera blooms.
This is a sight that delights me every time I spot it ... the brilliant whites of Begonia semperflorens (Wax Begonia) and Angelonia angustifolia mingled with the green and grey of the Pilea cadieri (Aluminium Plant).
Another great combination ... the orange flowers and the variegated foliage of Crossandra infundibuliformis 'Glamour Puss'
I just love seeing Wrightia antidysenterica 'Arctic Snow' surrounded by the bracts of Euphorbia 'Diamond Frost'.
Simple things like the interplay between shadow and sunlight in a patch of ferns draws my eye.
In one corner of the garden the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis provides a terrific background for the Mussaenda philippica 'Aurore',
whilst in another corner, the orange of the Crossandra is a match with the orange on the butterfly's wings.
Then there's a pair of Laughing Kookaburras sitting in an old gum tree ...
... and a pair of black butterfly wings.
Last of all, there's something so wonderful about the mix of purple bracts and the tiny white flowers of Gomphrena globosa or Bachelor Buttons.

I'm joining Tootsie at Tootsie Time for Flaunt Your Flowers / Fertilizer Friday. It's a great place to visit and find out what's blooming around the globe.