
Monday, November 11, 2013

First Ever Blood Lily Bloom ... The Year In Photographs ... November 11, 2013

It seems rather appropriate that my one and only Scadoxus multiflorus or Blood Lily, given to me as a pass-along plant earlier this year, should show off its first ever fully open bloom on Remembrance Day. 

The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month has special significance around the world, including here in Australia.  We observe one minute's silence at 11.00 am every Remembrance Day, to remember all those in the armed services who have died or suffered whilst serving for their country.

This spectacular fiery red flowerhead is a fitting reminder about the sacrifices made by so many in the past.

Lest we forget!


  1. quite a creepy coincidence - maybe the ANZAC poppy should be replaced, or supplemented by the Blood Lily, a very handsome flower!

  2. Bernie, your blood lily is gorgeous. Beautiful photos.

  3. It's a gorgeous bloom, one I've only seen at the Botanic Garden.

  4. Very impressive looking flower, Bernie! They are lovely flowers, aren't they? I also have one. I've had it for 3 or 4 years now but for some unknown reason it didn't flower this year. :( The previous years it flowered for me in July. It has received the same treatment the previous years as well & it's also in exactly the same place.

    Mysteries of the plant world!

  5. Your flower is very fitting for such a remembrance Bernie. I'm still in a little shock today - yesterday I was in an out-of-the-way supermarket centre (local) and it was quite busy. At 11am it seemed to me that a younger woman and myself were the only two people who knew why the last post had just played over the centre's speakers. We were the only two people who stood still and with respect observed the minute's silence. I left terribly sad and disappointed.

  6. That's a spectacular flower! Here I have Flanders Poppies blooming in my garden just in time for Remembrance Day, but the Blood Lily is much more suitable for your climate.

  7. G'Day Bernie. Your lily is beautiful along with your other flowering plants. It might interest you to know that this morning it was 21F here in the south. I expect that has frozen everything that was still blooming. Sigh....always glad to see your pretty things.
    Very unusual lily and don't think I have seen one.

  8. This flower is beautiful.
    Greetings !

  9. Wow I hadn't seen this plant before but I saw one yesterday at my friend's house. Pity it's not native. still it is definitely worth growing. I was looking for something with great December flower or foliage, not too large and that I could propagate easily and get lots of for kids at school (I am a teacher) to plant as a xmas gift for family in a pot and take home. Perhaps this is a possible option. BTW I think I live not far from you.

  10. The first timer I see this. Thanks!


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