
Friday, November 8, 2013

It's Time For A Friday Flower Flaunt

Well today is my birthday, and it finally coincides with my day off work.  Fabulous! It's a great excuse to just have the day to myself, and not do the housework that usually gets done on my day off.  I bought home a tiny bouquet of Roses from the school rose garden yesterday afternoon as a special treat for myself.

This is one of my favourites from the garden.  I have no idea of the varietal name of this beautiful Rose, but I do so love the colour change as it slowly fades.  The perfume is exquisite as well.

Out in the garden here at my place,

I have noticed a little Rain Lily, Zephyranthes primulina, opening this morning.  I've grown these from seeds sent from a very kind and gracious fellow north Queensland gardener (thanks Pitta!).  I absolutely adore the gorgeous pale soft yellow flowers.

It seems I missed a couple of other blooms that had already opened up.  We've had some showers of rain recently.  The inner city area received quite a heavy downpour last week, but we seem to have missed that here in the foothills.  Still, it was lovely to have some rain finally.  Our wet season is still a long way off though.

 I also spotted the very first buds on my Scadoxus or Blood Lily.   This plant will be going into a corner of one of my new garden beds and will add a splash of terrific colour in Spring and Summer after it rises from dormancy.

There are still just a couple of Lilies blooming in the big pot out in the courtyard.  There's a rather pretty Asiatic Matisse Lilium and a huge Oriental Lilium on show this morning.

The stark white flowers of my Tabernaemontana corymbosa 'Sweet Love' are brightening up the courtyard space. 

 The pinwheel shaped blooms certainly draw attention.

The potted Salvia farinacea 'Strata' is blooming in the courtyard,

alongside a couple of Pelargoniums,

and the potted Duranta 'Geisha Girl'.

The first of the blooming season's flowers have started opening on my Gardenia shrub out in the courtyard as well.

Under the very tall Corymbia torellianas, the Plumeria rubra and Plumeria obtusa have both started their end of Spring/Summertime display.  You know summer is not far off when the Frangipanis start blooming at my place,

and you see the Delonix regia or Poincianas blooming at our front gates, with our neighbour's Jacaranda on show in the background.

I'm joining Tootsie for Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers


  1. Oh Happy Birthday Bernie. So we are both born in Nov. I wonder what relieves the dormancy of Scadoxus, do you know? Our Delonix regia blooms in April at the height of the dry season. You still have lots of blooms in your garden. My blue Duranta is planted on the ground, also has blooms all year round.

    1. So we're Scorpion sisters, lol! I'm afraid I don't really know what triggers the rise from dormancy for Scadoxus. This plant is my first Scadoxus so I'm just enjoying learning all about it as it matures. It was a pass-along plant and I'm eager to see how it goes in a corner of my new garden bed.

  2. Dear Bernie.
    Such marvellous photos waking up to. Beautiful apricot/peach coloured roses. Can almost smell their lovely scent ;o)
    I´m nuts about your Plumeria, wish we had them here, in Scandinavia, however, the weather might be too cool.
    A very happy Birthday to you. All my best wishes, Iris. Have a nice day ;o)

    1. It's great to hear from you Iris. The scent of this Rose is absolutely beautiful. One day I might actually grow some in my own garden! Thanks for the birthday wishes. I did have a lovely day. I spent quite a few hours hauling out plants and popping them in spots in one of my new garden beds just to see how it would look before I plant them out. It's amazing just how many plants I had hidden in various corners of my place.

  3. Lovely flowers! We call the Plumeria Frangipani. Mine are resting now.

    1. Yes we call them Frangipani here too, Lotusleaf. They are a very common sight in gardens here, and right now they're are many fabulous displays of flowers all over our city.

  4. It is looking so beautiful in your gardens. I love the little white rain lily. I have some pink rain lilies and I bought some bulbs of the white but they didn't bloom for me this year. Maybe next year. Of course, I have mine potted up and they had to come inside as a cold winter is coming soon in our area.

    1. Hi Beth. I've grown the Rain Lilies from seed and it's taken a while for the first flowers to make an appearance. I'm about to finally plant them out, and I can't wait to see them establish themselves in one section of the new garden beds. I'm hoping for a fabulous show when the rains arrive at the end of next year.

  5. Happy birthday Bernie! I'm a little behind on visiting. I love your plumerias.

  6. Oh Bernie what a lovely birthday flaunt....and a special bouquet of roses indeed. Wishing you the best birthday!! Hope it was spectacular.

  7. I’m a little too late to say this Bernie but your garden is stunning and you’ve got this idea how to take the photo of every flower you love. Zephyranthes primulina is most attractive of all. Looking to see more of your garden.


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