
Friday, November 22, 2013

It's Friday Flower Flaunt Time ... On This Rainy Almost-Summertime Friday.

It certainly seems like the wet season has arrived early this year.  Just this morning we've had it all ... heavy rain, lightning and thunder.  How fabulous!  We get very excited when the long dry season ends.

Here's a little clip ... you do have to wait a while for the lightning and thunder crash.

It's still raining at the moment, so I can't get outside to take shots of the blooms out today.  I'm restricted to sharing a few photos of the rain-splashed flowers I can see from my verandah.


double Gerberas

Salvia madrensis and Russelia

Mussaenda philippica 'Bangkok Rose'

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Snowflake'

Pseudomussaenda flava

I'm joining Tootsie for her Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers meme


  1. G' Day Bernie! I bet you can almost hear the flowers, trees and grass saying ooooh isn't this nice? It's raining here too at the moment but certainly not spring! The white bark trees in your view must be gum trees?

    1. Hi Jean. Yes you're absolutely right. I can hear the trees, shrubs, flowers and grass all singing, along with the birds. It's amazing how loud the birdsong becomes after a little rain. It seems everything just wants to celebrate the end of the dry. That tree with the white bark is a Gum, and it's covered in creamy white flowers at the moment.

  2. Ah, rain glorious rain. We had a nice time of rain yesterday minus T&L though, which was fine with me. I need to go out to see how everything looks this morning.

    Have a wonderful weekend in your wonderful bit of paradise ~ FlowerLady

    1. It seems we're in for more rain this weekend too, Lorraine. The garden is looking every so happy already. It's amazing the difference a bit of rain makes.

  3. Fantastic post! Summer is coming to you as winter comes here. We haven't a defined rainy season.

    1. Thanks Jean. We sure do have a defined wet season, but just when it begins and ends is changeable. I can't remember the wet arriving quite this early for a few years now. Not that I'm complaining!

  4. I love your lush and lovely! It still blows me away that our seasons are so opposite of each is so very bitter and cold here right now and and you are in summer! lol...I wish I didn't have to stop gardening for winter breaks. but if I didn't I would have a lot more "unhappy" thinks about my garden than I like to have. The cold weather keeps the scary beasts and bugs away. No scary dangerous bugs...Alberta is pretty good to us that way...we just pay for it with the cold weather!
    Thank you for faithfully linking in!!!
    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

    1. We still have down times here, Glenda, although our plants don't go dormant or get covered in snow. Summertime is one of those down times really, as it's just way too hot and humid to spend much time outdoors looking after the garden. I manage to catch a few golden moments early in the morning or sometimes in the evenings, if I'm not too tired after work. The scary beasts and bugs annoy my garden pretty much all year round. That's a big downside of gardening in the tropics.

  5. Bernie Im so happy for you that the rains are coming early. Its got to mean that there will be a flush of new growth after the life giving rains...

  6. Your rain-drenched plants will look perk and glorious over the next few days. Besides the life-nourishing water, pest like mites will be washed off.

  7. Hi, Bernie! You make me long for our summertime thunderstorms! The views of your rain-drenched garden flowers are lovely. Soon your land will be lush with its tropical colors. It is such a refreshment to me, as we go into drab winter here.

  8. Thanks so much for this post Bernie. I like the garden/landscape design here, you have given me some ideas.


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