
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Unexpected Visitors ... The Year In Photographs ... August 3, 2013

Our next door neighbour's goats wandered into our bush paddock this afternoon.   That's something that hasn't happened before.

The kid was quite adventurous, looking around for new places to explore.

The older nanny was keeping an eye on me,

and an eye on the little one.


  1. I've always been fascinated by goats. An empty lot around my home has two goats (fenced in of course), and I see them climbing on top of all the stuff the owner has in there; a little shed, some old garden furniture; they are climbers for sure; but they are so cute!!!

    1. Maria, the little one was having a great old time climbing up and down the steep rocky inclines in the bush paddock. Very sure-footed.

  2. Nice! They look very friendly! I wanted to buy a goat for my garden so it could eat the grass and weeds - and I wouldn't have to mow :) But, I was afraid that the goat would eat not only grass and weeds but also EVERYTHING else :)

    1. Dewberry, I was a little afraid these two might wander into our yard and then find lots of tasty treats in the garden beds. Thankfully that didn't happen and they wandered back home.

  3. Ah green lawnmowers! Hope you and M are both well.

    1. Yes I wish they had stayed longer and done a little more mowing in the bush paddock. It certainly needs it, as we can never get a real lawnmower in there!

      I've been laid up with some nasty virus this last week, but apart from that M and I have been fine, thanks for asking Sue. Hope you and yours are doing well too.

  4. They look really neat there on your property. I love their colors.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

    1. They certainly made themselves at home for a while, Lorraine. They were quite well-mannered too. They found some tasty treats, had a nibble and then wandered home.

  5. Its looking a bit dry perhaps that is why they are wandering further afield.

    1. Yes that's typical of our dry season, Diane. The bush paddock always looks this dry at this time of the year. Our neighbour's paddock looks exactly the same, so the goats probably hoped things might be better on our side. They did manage to find a few things to nibble on, but didn't stay very long.

  6. They are so cute. That's nice that they stuck to the natural areas and stayed out of the garden.

    Maybe you can borrow them a couple of times a year for your bush paddock.

    1. They didn't stay in the bush paddocl long, Shirley, so thankfully didn't find their way through the second gate into our yard. They just wandered back the way they'd come and found their way home.

      I wouldn't mind borrowing them a few times throughout the year, but unfortunately there are some broken sections of fencing around the bush paddock and they might wander off even further. Given the steepness of the bush paddock in places, it would be hard to tie them to a rope and let them graze. They would get into some hairy situations I think. Maybe one day when we finally fix the fencing, we could borrow them.

  7. Este tipo de visitante sempre gostamos de ter.

    bom fim de semana.

    1. You're right about that Simone. This type of visitor was welcome. We kept an eye on them just in case they wandered too far or couldn't find their way back home, but that wasn't a problem.

  8. What a cute pair. It's nice when an out of the ordinary thing happens.
    Pleased you're feeling better Bernie, this virus thing is raging around this way too! So far, I've escaped unscathed. Rest up this weekend. :)

    1. Thanks Rose. We always get something going around the staff and students at school at this time of the year. Thankfully I'm feeling a lot better after a couple of days off work. I basically slept and kept hydrated, staying home so I didn't sneeze, splutter and wheeze all over people at work.

  9. Been a while since I have seen goats, my uncle had a vervet monkey on the farm that loved riding out with the goats and slept with them as well.

  10. These little guys would take care of your overgrowth!! Those things will eat anything and everything should they get into your flowers!
    Morning Bernie!

  11. I have not been around goats before but the little ones always look so cute to me. Those little pigmy ones are just so cute. It looks like the kid was having a fun time on the rocks. Have a lovely weekend.

  12. Hmm ... A scrub turkey spent all day today - while we were out, of course - building a nesting mound in our banana patch, making a huge mess and uprooting my one and only Pisang Ceylan plant.
    War has now been declared. I flattened it all out again and laid timber across it to discourage any reconstruction attempts. We'll see what he does next ...
    No doubt the full account will make a good story for my blog in due course but I think I would rather have goats.

  13. Love the mountain areas and the goats! Looks like a true english countryside.Goats will clean up your property for sure and eat anything at the same time


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