
Friday, August 2, 2013

Flower Flaunt As Our Last Month of Winter Begins.

As August begins, our tropical winter is nearing an end.  This is the last month of our winter, and the very mild winter conditions have continued throughout the last couple of weeks.  The skies have continued to be bright, sunny and blue, and our dry season rolls on.

At the moment the Begonia blooms are out and proudly on show.  Whilst the Dragonwing Begonias and Bedding Begonias bloom all year round for me, the Cane Begonias and Tiger Paw Begonia begin their blooming cycle at the end of Winter and continue on into Spring.

unknown Cane Begonia

Begonia 'Tiger Paw'

Dragonwing Begonias and Begonia semperflorens or Bedding Begonia

I think these flowers are rather unappreciated by most, but certainly not by me.  I really love the form of these beauties.

I'm joining Tootsie for Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers

Tracie for Cottage Garden Party 

Mona for Floral Love

and Today's Flowers


  1. B. Your winter (70 degrees) is one I could enjoy! Lovely florets and how they remind me of tiny butterfly wings. If you want a real winter be sure to visit us in February. ;>)) Hope all is well with you. Thank you for your virtual visit. Carol

    1. Carol, I'm not sure I could get through your winters, although in the middle of our summertime I might be persuaded.

  2. I love Begonias. I remember how mine always required quite a few hours of sun and frequent waterings. I don't have them anymore, but they were prolific bloomers.

    1. Maria, I've been growing Begonias, mostly the Begonia semperflorens, every since I can remember. I have a few Rexs as well, but have only just started growing the large Cane Begonias.

  3. I LOVE begonias! I just bought a new one this week and I have to have at least one Dragonwing every year. :o)

    1. Ah, a fellow Begonia lover! I can't remember a time when I wasn't growing several. The Dragonwings are the best performers in my corner of the world.

  4. I like your varieties of begonias, the spiky leaved cane is new to me. They are a favourite for my shade containers.

    1. Thanks Lavender Cottage. The spiky leaved one was a pass-along and it's become one of my favourites.

  5. Lovely begonias! Their leaves are very pretty.

    1. The Rexs in particular do have the most fabulous leaves.

  6. Love the cane begonia leaves. I think begonias are pretty neat to grow.

    1. They are great to grow, Clipped Wings. I do have to shelter them a little extra during out heavy wet seasons, but apart from that they're pretty easy-going.

  7. Thank you for linking with Today's Flowers Bernie, your photos are always enjoyable and these begonia photos are marvelous!

    1. Only too pleased to join in, Denise. Begonias do have such lovely flowers, I just had to share.

  8. How wonderful to have flowers in winter! These are lovely!

    1. Yes we're lucky here in the tropics, Karen. We can have flowers all year round. We're rather spoilt in that regard, and probably don't appreciate it as much as we should.

  9. I didn't appreciate begonias till I got a camera that could look really close, and the world opened for me!!! Have you noticed how the begonia blossoms sparkle in the sunlight? That is my favourite part!!!

    1. They do sparkle, don't they!! I wish I had a better camera that would take fantastic macro shots to show this. One day soon, I hope! Thanks Judy.

  10. Lovely shots of a flower I have actually managed to grow:) My favourite is the first.

    1. They are terrific plants to grow, Lorik. It's great to hear you've enjoyed growing some yourself.

  11. Yes- and no. in CA, our flowers thrive through October.

  12. I adore these flowers even though they only bloom for a few months here...they are a staple in my garden for annuals.

  13. Your flaunt today is fantastic!!! I very much enjoyed it. I also want to thank you so much for adding a link back to my site on your is are one of only a few participants that even acknowledges that they are using my party! Thank you!
    Thank you so much for linking in this week...I appreciate everyone who joins in.
    I am sharing this post on the Tootsie Time facebook page as well....
    Hugs from Wainwright Alberta Canada!
    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

  14. Ps...I wish winter was that pretty in my back yard! lol...white snow gets a little boring after a while


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