
Friday, July 26, 2013

Another Friday Flower Flaunt ... Same 'ole, same 'ole.

Here are almost at the end of our mid-winter month of July.  The weather during this last week has been all over the place.  Talk about a topsy-turvy week.  On Monday we had an extraordinarily warm winter's day and night.  By mid-day the mercury had hit 29 deg C (84 deg F) at work, and that night it only dropped down to around 20 deg C (68 F).

But then on Tuesday the daytime temp. had plummeted back down to the low 20s, where it's remained all week; with the mercury really dropping late Wednesday night / early Thursday morning to around 11 deg C (51 deg F).

Most of us were trying to find lovely sunny spots where we could warm up our freezing cold tootsies and pinkies.

But then the wind whipped up as well this week.  We've had some very blustery days and nights.   Some of us had to move to more comfortable, sheltered spots where we could chill out and snooze while the wind gusts played havoc all around us.

All that moving around, trying to find the ideal spot, was exhausting!

Out in the garden, it's a story of the same old things still on show.  I thought I'd just put a few of these together as a collage to share.

some of the pinks and purples

some of the yellows and oranges

The first of the Bauhinia variegata blooms have appeared, as is usual for mid-winter here.

The Tabebuia impetiginosa has dropped a lot of its leaves by now, and its blooming cycle has begun.  Again, this is usual for mid-winter.

Our native Sterculia quadrifida or Peanut Tree is another of our winter deciduous trees.  Mine has dropped all its leaves now, and is covered in seed pods.  They start off green and turn to an eye-catching orange-red.   It certainly makes an interesting display out in my courtyard garden at this time of year.

I'm joining Tootsie for her Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers meme.

I'm also joining Nix for  Floral Friday Fotos


  1. Hi Bernie, i haven't been up to date with my postings and comments. Today in fact, i am absent because i am still sick. But i guess more rest and i will be fine.

    I always love your blooms, you already know that. But now i think its my first time to see that bluish-violet-salvia like blooms on the top left, and that wheel-like petunia. Oh how i love them. And i remember my Ausie friends telling me that you have all the seasons in one day, sometimes, you just said it!

    1. Wishing you a speedy recovery, Andrea. I'm afraid I've been getting a little tardy when it comes to reading posts and I haven't been making many comments of late either.

      That Salvia is one of the colours in the Salvia splendens 'Vista Mix' range. It's a favourite of mine too. The Petunia is the Bumblebee Petunia, which I just adore. I've got two pots of it this year out in my courtyard.

  2. This post made me smile because the temps of your winter are what we are experiencing now as our summer !

    1. Yes Mama, our so-called winter temps. are really wonderful, and we shouldn't really use words like 'cold' or 'freezing', should we? For us, of course, when the mercury drops down around the low 20s or even down to the teens, we think it's rather chilly!

  3. Wonderful photos! I wish you a lovely weekend!

  4. Your garden must be lovely with such pretty blooms!

    1. Jama, my garden is not the usual sort of garden. It's not really one that I would love to share wide views of, but I do like sharing shots of the fabulous plants that grow here.

  5. Hi bernie. Still smiling at your winter temperatures ! At 11 degrees we Brits are elling each other how mild it is !

    Love the 'roo photos ! Also love your montage of plant photos.

    1. Compared to your winter temps, Jane, ours just don't deserve to be labelled 'winter' temps really.

  6. Replies
    1. I appreciate your comment, thanks Herding Cats.

  7. Good morning Bernie ~ Great photos of your kangaroo friend. Love your collages. Your flowers always make me feel joyful.

    Have a lovely weekend ~ FlowerLady

    1. G'day Lorraine. It's been a rather blustery weekend and the trees around here are getting a good shake. Lots of leaf litter and branch debris lying around at the moment.

  8. You and the wildlife may be chilly and looking for a spot out of the cold wind, but your winter flowers are pretty and colorful and must make you happy, especially those pinks and purples!

    1. I do have a bit of a thing for the pinks and purples, Laurrie. Must be a girl thing I think. My hubbie is not so smitten!

  9. Enjoyed seeing your blooms as well as Fur Friend! I view your Kangaroo as being similar to our Deer. I have observed many in zoos and would love to someday see them in the wild enjoying life...

    1. Skeeter, the wallabies here certainly do enjoy their daily life. My front and side yard look like a construction site at the moment, as the wallabies have been digging down to dig out grass roots to devour as our dry season rolls on. Some of the holes are simply huge!

  10. Love the blooming trees! Have a good day Bernie!

    1. Thanks Jean. It's another quiet weekend at home, doing the odd gardening job.

  11. Same old to you but stunning for us!! Love the my winter is definitely same old with no flowers and only white snow everywhere.

  12. it feels like forever since I had time to sit and enjoy everyone's posts...I am so glad I could drop by today and see your addition to my little party! Your photos NEVER stop amazing me! Thank you so much for linking into my little party this week...I appreciate and enjoy every post!
    I hope you will link in again and again!
    I am also sharing your post to the Tootsie Time Facebook page!
    Have a great week!

    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.


  13. Donna said what I was thinking on the way to the comments window -- same old to you, but so exotic to us. Even the plants that we both grow like salvias and petunias look different in your setting.

  14. Your winter sounds like late spring here, and you have just as many flowers as we would then. Yours are lovely as always. The animal pics are very cute!

  15. They look lazy and content. LOL! I never get tired of see your flowers some old favorites and of course your fascinating native blooms and trees. Your Salvia's are still looking great and the petunia's. I wish we could keep our poinsettia's out doors in the gardens here. I love that pink one of yours. Have a lovely week Bernie.


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