
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Flower Flaunt Time ... In Our Last Winter Month

So, August is the last month of our extremely mild and glorious wintertime.  The weather has been absolutely fabulous with lots of comfy, coolish, clear-sky days and slightly cooler nights.  The days are starting the get longer thank goodness, so the nights are no longer drawing in around 5.30 in the afternoon.

Finally I have something new to share this week.  I've noticed some stunning white blooms on a pass-along plant that I think might be Eucharis grandiflora, otherwise known as the Eucharist Lily.  I'm sure someone out there will tell me if I'm on the right track with the I.D.

The flowers are absolutely gorgeous.  Of course many of you will know just how much I love white in the garden, so I'm over the moon with these wonderful flowers. I'll be adding this plant to one of the new garden beds as soon as they're finished.

There are more and more flowers appearing on the rhizomatous Begonias at the moment,

like Begonia 'Tiger Paw',

and this unknown.

I'm joining Tootsie for Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers

Nix for Floral Friday Fotos

Today's Flowers

Floral Love

Cottage Garden Party


  1. What a gorgeous captures ♥ Especially love the 'unknown'!
    Thank you for sharing this! :)

    1. Very kind, thanks Mona. The 'unknown' was a pass-along plant and this is its first flowering cycle. They're beautiful little blooms.

  2. The white flower is gorgeous. I'm sure you'll have then in your garden soon. I love begonias. I had a mass planting at one stage but lost them when we had too much rain. Some are starting to reappear in all different parts of the garden.

    1. I've lost a few Begonias after really heavy wet season here too, Diana. Unfortunately, last year I lost three gorgeous Rexs. It was very disappointing. I haven't replaced them as yet, but that is on my to-do list.

  3. Would love that Eucharis Bernie, hothouse plant for me though, I believe that it has a great perfume as well.

    1. Bill, I didn't notice a perfume but then I've been a little stuffy with a virus of late, so that may be why I failed to notice it. I'll be planting mine outdoors pretty much in the same spot it's been sitting while waiting for my new garden beds to be finished.

  4. The Lily is beautiful, so strikingly white with some green. Love your begonias blooms.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

    1. Thanks Lorraine. I'm so pleased with this pass-along, as the flowers really are exquisite.

  5. I love the lily! I've seen it at the Botanic Garden. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. It's been a fabulous weekend, thanks Gunilla. I've been busy cleaning the house and doing some more potting up. My lovely hubby has been busy building the new garden beds which I'm very excited about.

  6. This Lily is simply awesome! And the Begonia too! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Only too happy to share, Maria, so I'm happy to know you've enjoyed the photos.

  7. Somebody told me that Eucharis Lilies were hard to grow, so I didn't try one. I think I made a mistake.

    1. NellJean, I don't think I can agree that they're hard to grow. This poor pass-along has been rather neglected while waiting for the new garden beds to be built. It's had occasional watering and has been sitting patiently in a cool shady spot, and been perfectly content. I'm planning on planting it in exactly the same spot once the new beds are completed, under the shade of an African Palm tree.

  8. Eucharis grandiflora is known as the Amazon lily here. It flowers twice a year, and the blooms have a delicate scent at night.

    1. Lotusleaf, I'm trying to work out now whether mine is Eucharis grandiflora or Eucharis amazonica. The leaves on my plant are huge, and the flowers are pretty large as well. There's a lovely perfume from the blooms all day long.

  9. I love it because it is a shade loving plant and easy to grow.

  10. Replies
    1. It certainly does, Donna. Of course it's the closest we'll come to a daffodil here in the tropics.

  11. What pretty flowers on the Eucharis grandiflora - if that's what it is :-) They look a bit like a daffodil when fully open! I also love white flowers and this autumn I am redesigning an area and putting in only white flowers. I have a hardy, double gardenia on mail-order and I already got 12 giant white lilies and a white anemone. I need a few more white shorter ones for the front so a bit more time on the Internet I think!

    1. Ooh, I'm loving the sound of your new area. I just love white in the garden. I can't wait to see your new whites flourishing in their new spot.

  12. Yes I call it the Eucharist Lilly or Easter lily as well. If it is happy it will multiply really easily. Mine love the shade, and the white flowers seem to draw your eye into the darker parts of the garden which I love. My rex begonias are also flowering - gosh they relay are one of my favorite plants.

    1. It's great to hear that it can multiply quite easily, AA. I'd love this plant to spread around in the shady spot I've got picked for planting. I lost a couple of my Rexs last wet season, and I'm missing them now that so many of the other Begonias are blooming. Time to replace, I think.

  13. That white flower is exquisite. I wonder if I could get it to grow here. Love the other photos too, but the white one is easily my favourite.

    1. I'm not sure it would grow down your way, Liz. I don't know how it would go in cold weather. All the information I've read so far seems to indicate it grows best in tropical areas.

  14. unknown looks like a variety of begonia? I'm pleased you've have comfy weather lately ...

  15. Beautiful Eucharis, one does not see them often. Mine has not yet emerged. Love also the Begonias, very rewarding with flowers and colourful leaves.

  16. Hi Bernie, as my Australian friend said, your place has the best climate in the world. I am amused because you have tropical winter, i guess it is only found in Australia, and i am envious. No wonder your Eucharis grandiflora is growing gloriously. I had mine for 2 years and it already flowered 2x last year. I kept it in a pot as my cousin's on the ground has been spreading so fast. i also read somewhere that it likes to be potbound. I already have four pots, haha!

    I would like to inform NellJean that it's very easy to grow, as our dry season is very harsh but it still keep living.


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