
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Hills Are Alight .... The Year In Photographs ... August 21, 2013

This was the view that greeted me from our verandah this morning. 

It's dry season here, and we often see bushfires blazing in the ranges around this time of year. 

August is not only the last month of our winter, but it is usually the time when the bush fire season is in full swing.  We have been seeing lots of smoke around our rural suburb for around two weeks now, as the flames make their way slowly along the ranges in the distance.

Thankfully the flames are a long way off, and we're quite happy to just put up with the smoke.


  1. I'm glad the fires are a long way off, they look closer in the photos.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

    1. Lorraine, there's no chance these fires will reach us, but we've had blankets of smoke at times and there's the constant smell of smoke in the air. All of which is pretty routine for us at this time of the year.

  2. That's scary even if it's some way off. Stay safe!

    1. Gunilla, we are safe from these particular fires. There's quite a few kilometres between us and the flames, and there's a river in between as well. The fires will just make their way along the ridges of the ranges and eventually burn themselves out.

  3. Impressive, I hope it's relinquished soon. Why is it in August a late winter there? When would your spring be?

    1. Maria, the fires can take weeks and weeks to burn themselves out. It all depends on the fuel load in the bush, and this year it's been a particularly dry year so there's lots of fuel to burn.

      Yes August is our last winter month here. Spring officially begins on the first of September, so it's not that far away now.

  4. Hopefully there won't be any that do get close.

    1. No, not so far Missy. The town council and rural fire brigade have been doing their routine burn-offs around the city. Those fires do come close to suburban homes, but they're controlled burn-offs so there's no threat. The bush fires that happen every year out here are in the ranges and are many kilometres away. Thankfully we don't get too many close to our homes.

  5. We have had a few fires around lately, but thankfully had some rain yesterday and today. I am not ready for heat and humidity yet, but the rain feels good.

  6. Bernie I hope it doesn't get close to you all!!


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