
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day To All!

I just had to wish all you lovely Mums out there a Happy Mother's Day. 

My two boys are far from home now, but it was wonderful to hear the sound of their voices over the phone this morning.  They are both such beautiful people and they make me so proud.

Just thought I'd end this short post today with this extraordinary song.  To all you wonderful Mums out there!


  1. Happy Mother's Day Bernie! We're going to Porvoo to celebrate with my mother.

    1. Gunilla, I'm sure it will be a great day for your mother.

  2. Happy Mother's Day to you too Bernie. It is true that we love to hear the sound of our children's voices when they are far away. Thank heavens for modern technology these days to keep us close. Enjoy your day. Valerie

  3. Lovely image! Thanks and Happy Mother's Day to you!

  4. Happy Mother's Day Bernie, nice to hear you had a lovely day. As usual, Britain is doing things differently than the rest of the world, so here we had Mother's day, or Mothering Sunday 10th March. Mothering Sunday is on the fourth Sunday of Lent, so I had my card and flowers 2 months ago from my son :-)

    Have a great week, take care, Helene.


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