
Friday, May 10, 2013

Flower Flaunt on this End-of-Autumn Friday ... May 10, 2013

Our last month of Autumn seems to be flying past so quickly.  The garden is still a little short on colour at the moment, most likely the result of a disappointing wet season and my lack of time to get out and help it along.

Anyway, I do have something new to share this week.  My Rosebud Salvia, Salvia involucrata, (or at least that's what I think is is!) that grows under the pergola has started to bloom once more.

Rosy pink flowers will soon start opening from the large rounded buds that are appearing over the shrub at the moment.  I've let the bush get too leggy though, and I will need to trim it back a lot when blooming is over.


there are still a few Portulaca blooms in a couple of pots,

the Angelonia angustifolias carry on blooming,

as does the Turnera ulmifolia,

the Vriesea bromeliad,

the Thunbergia erecta 'Tru Blu',

and the Calliandra haematocephalas.

I'm joining Tootsie for Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers

Nix for Floral Friday Fotos


  1. wow love the rosebud salvia and the other blooms

    1. Thanks Sharon. That Rosebud Salvia was a pass-along from another garden blogger. It's doing so well in my garden, and I have to say I just love it.

  2. Bernie, you are posting like for GBBD, still good blooms there. I haven't seen that salvia here. You should see my post though i didn't link to FFF.

    1. Andrea, that Salvia wasn't for sale in the nurseries here either. It was sent to me by another blogger who lives further south. I will make sure I pop over and have a look at your latest post.

  3. Such beautiful flowers and lovely pictures.

    1. Thanks, Herding Cats! That's a great name.

  4. Hi Bernie, excellent flowers for flaunting. Love the brilliant colours, as well as the relative subtlety of the native Calliandra.

    1. Catmint, the Calliandras are growing right at our front gate and they put on a fabulous show through the Winter here. It's lovely to come home after work and see the powderpuff blooms!

  5. Replies
    1. Dewberry, 'Tru Blu' is a favourite of mine. I just adore the colour of it.

  6. That is such a pretty Salvia! Haven't seen one that color before, love it. The Calliandra haematocephalas has such an unusual flower, very interesting. All your other blooms are so pretty too.
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks Deb. The Rosebud Salvia is certainly a bloom that stands out under the pergola. That brilliant pink contrasts markedly with all the green out there. The Calliandras have the common name of Powderpuffs, and you can see why.

  7. the Angelonia angustifolias are so pretty! the 2nd photo is gorgeous!

    1. Luna, I really want to plant lots more of the Angelonias. They just suit our climate and conditions so well. The second photo shows the Rosebud Salvia just before it opens. They are terrific flowers.

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Liz. I'll pop over and take a look at your flaunt this week too.

  9. Lovely colours and shapes in your garden. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thanking you very much for visiting again Gunilla. It's lovely to have regular visitors who also love the flowers in my garden.

  10. Hello Bernie H, I love those angelonias. They have pretty colours and look really sweet together. We have lots of wet seasons lately here. The ground orchid that you just saw in my blog, it has to be in the shelter. Thanks for dropping by. You have a lovely weekend!

    1. Stephanie, Angelonias are definite favourites of mine. I love all the colours, and you're right, they do look great together.

  11. Bernie... your gardens and variety of plantings are always amazing! Larry

  12. Bernie I love Angelonia and yours are beauties.

  13. This flower flaunt encompasses almost the whole range of colours. Your flowers are lovely. Most of them can be planted successfully here too. My Calliandra is the dwarf version; C.emarginata as distinct from yours which is C.haematocephalas. The flowers are similiar, but the leaves are slightly different.

  14. Thank you for sharing these with Today's Flowers Bernie. A lovely variety of pretty blooms.


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