
Friday, May 3, 2013

Flower Flaunt on this End-Of-Autumn Friday.

Finally, I have some new blooms to share.  The Calliandras that grow near our entrance gates have just begun to flower.  The two huge shrubs are Calliandra haematpcephala or what we lovingly refer to as Powderpuffs.  The blooms are large, showy and puffy.  There are two different colours  ...

... watermelon pink and ...

... deep red.  More and more flowers will appear in the coming weeks, right on through the coming Winter.

Apart from these first-for-the-year Powderpuff blooms, there's no difference between what I'm sharing today and what I've shared over the last several weeks.

Crotons are blooming.

Thunbergia erecta 'Tru Blu' has lots of gorgeous flowers.

The Pennisetum advena 'Rubrum' continues to bloom.

The Hibiscus rosa-sinensis shows new flower buds every day.

The Polygala is still covered in its perculiar shaped blooms.

There are tiny little white flowers on many of the Rhoeo spathacea or Moses-in-a-Cradle plants.

There are a few more Cosmos popping up here and there down the driveway.

My favourite double white Impatiens walleriana is still blooming profusely.

The days have been a little cooler this week, highs of only around 28-29 deg C. with a corresponding drop in humidity levels, sometimes down to even 50% in the middle of the day.  Our lovely Autumn days have arrived at last ... a little late, but very, very welcome.

I'm joining Tootsie for Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers

and Nix for Floral Friday Fotos 


  1. Lovely flowers. The powderpuffs are very interesting. Have a fabulous weekend!

    1. Thanks Gunilla. With the slight change in daytime temps, I'll be making the most of the weekend and getting out into the garden. Heaven!

  2. Hi Bernie, it looks like i am looking at a Philippine setting. However, at the moment those wet season flowers are all in hibernation, most specially that white Impatiens. Also it doesn't get big that much here. And, i smiled at your header, full of garlands,haha!

    1. There are lots of similarities between here and the Philippines, I know. We're heading into the long dry season now, but most of these plants will keep on blooming through it all. That double white Impatiens blooms pretty much all year round.

  3. Your flowers are a delight to the eyes. I'm also featuring Powder Puff today.

    Powder Puffs

    1. Thanks Liz. I'll be popping over to have a look at those Powder Puffs of yours. They are such a fabulous bloom.

  4. Beautiful flowers, Bernie. I always enjoy seeing what you have blooming, as you have many plants that we do not have in our area. Have a happy day!
    xo Beth

    1. Thanking you Beth for your comment. I also enjoy visiting gardeners who grow things I would never ever see around here.

  5. Love your pretty blooms. We grow quite a lot of the same things. I always enjoy visiting here and getting inspired.

    Glad you are having nicer weather. Enjoy. We've had LOTS of rain since Tuesday, more expected this afternoon and throughout the weekend. Summer already feels like it is here.

    Have a nice weekend ~ FlowerLady

    1. Lorraine, it's great to hear you're getting lots of lovely rain. I'm sure the garden is looking lovely as a result.

  6. Thunbergia erecta 'tru blu' looks absolutely stunning! I imagine all fence covered with it!

    1. Dewberry, the Thunbergia would be fabulous if allowed scramble all over a fence. I'm trying to keep it shaped and growing as a little shrub. I am however hoping that I can find another one to grow in a spot further back down the driveway where it could scramble over the tall fence.

  7. Fun to see so many exotic flowers that we don't have here in Norway, Lovely photo you areviewing.
    Have a great weekend:-)

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed your visit, Aud. It's wonderful to see what's blooming in different parts of the world.

  8. What gorgeous blooms you have today. I love the red fuzzy blooms of your Calliandras. And the double impatiens are so beautiful. I tried starting some from seeds and it was a flop.LOL! None of my saved impatiens seeds are germinating for some reason.Some years it is like that. :) Have a lovely weekend Bernie.

    1. Thanks Lona. What a shame you couldn't get your Impatiens started from seed. I've never tried that. I either take cuttings or buy new ones from the nursery. Thank goodness we don't seem to have the same trouble with disease in the Impatiens here that the northern hemisphere gardeners seem to be experiencing.

  9. They are all so beautiful, the first time I know these name "polygala" and "Calliandras".

    This is my first entry for FFF: The Sound of Hibiscus

  10. I enjoy seeing your blooms through the seasons. Your Calliandras are lovely!

  11. What a beautiful serie of photos of lovely plants. Just love the peenisetum. Have a nice day

  12. Your garden looks so much like a Malaysian garden in the array of flowers that are planted. love the powder puffs and Thunbergia erecta which I've cultivated too.


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