
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Out On The Verandah ... The Year In Photographs ... May 2, 2013

It's now late Autumn, and the conditions are starting to turn slightly cooler at long last.  Late afternoons find me sitting quietly out on the verandah quite often these days.

My favourite spot is in the rocking chair, with the lovely Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Snowflake' right beside me.


  1. G'Day Bernie...I love your veranda. I have a one too that is high in the trees..maybe not as high as yours but nice nonetheless. Miz Kat uses it as her lookout perch. Hope your week is going well!

    1. G'day Jean. This side of the verandah is fairly high up and looks out into the tall trees of the bush around us. It's a great spot with a lovely view. How wonderful that you have something similar. I can just imagine Miz Kat surveying the territory from her lookout.

  2. Wonderfull shots in blog, greeting from Belgium, i love your banner.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Louisette. I'm glad you enjoyed the photos.

  3. Wow! What a fabulous terrace you've got there! It's perfect for relaxation. I really love it!

    1. Dewberry, it is indeed fabulous for relaxation. I find myself nodding off and having a little nap quite often when I sit out on the verandah. It's such a quiet spot out here in the bush.

  4. Replies
    1. That's a great looking elevated spot to watch the world fly by.

  5. Nice verandah! The architecture reminds me of my grandmother's Victorian house. She would love to have a structure like yours. She's in her 80s now and she needs a spot where she can just relax and reminisce. I will send her this photo.


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