
Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday Flower Flaunt ... On A Drizzly Overcast End-of-Autumn Friday

We've had rain falling softly from the grey sky overnight and most of this morning.  It's still very grey and gloomy outside, so there's probably more on the way.  We don't usually get much rain at this time of year, as we're now into our long dry season, but I remember something similar happening last year so perhaps we really are starting to see some major changes in our weather patterns.

As I wandered around the garden this morning taking a few photos, everything was splashed with raindrops.

Ixora 'Twilight Glow' with Turnera ulmifolia in the background

double white Impatiens walleriana

Cleome spinosa 'Senorita Rosalita' and Salvia splendens 'Dusky Hues'

Salvia involucrata


It's great to see the first blooms appearing on some of the potted annuals out in the courtyard.


Cockscomb 'Coral Garden'

Marigold 'Safari Scarlet'

I'm joining Tootsie for Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers

Nix for  Floral Friday Fotos

Tina for Weekend Flowers


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Dewberry. There's some lovely colours in this little collection.

  2. Enjoyed your blog Bernei even though your dry spell your plants had enjoyed the splash of rain.

    Its so true re weather pattern changing ,here we are into May and its still so very cold winds .

    Its been a long cold winter and we have a short summer in Scotland if we get a summer.

    1. Scotkat, it certainly looks like things are changing around here. We seem to be getting a little more rain during our dry season over the last couple of years. I'll be keen to see what transpires during the rest of the dry this year.

  3. thanx for your lovely weekend flowers :) what a beautiful collection!

    1. Thanks Tina. I'm only too glad to join in your meme and see what's blooming this weekend.

  4. Stunning, I love the water droplets!

    1. Herding Cats, it's been absolutely lovely listening to the rain fall on the corrugated iron roof. It's one of my all-time favourite sounds!

  5. Lovely flowers! I think the violas are my favorite. The waterdrops make everything more beautiful. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. I much prefer Violas over Pansies, Gunilla. I plant up Violas every year and just love the different colours and patterns.

  6. Glad you got some rain Bernie. Raindrops on flowers and foliage are always magical, life giving jewels.

    As always your post is filled with the beauty that surrounds you.


    1. Lorraine, the rain has been very much appreciated. It certainly fantastic looking at raindrop covered blooms at this time of year, when the dry season is supposed to have already begun.

  7. plants and flowers radiate happiness during and after the rain. love the rain-kissed petals and leaves.

    1. I agree, Luna, there is something special that happens when the rain falls. Of course, it's extra special in areas like this one where we don't get rain every day, and sometimes not for months on end.

  8. Nice collection Bernie looks just like an English summer with all that wet !

    1. Bill, I think the temps are now about the same as you get in your summer too. We've had some beautiful slightly cooler days as we edge closer to our wintertime.

  9. Hi Bernie, nice to see the flowers glistening with raindrops!

    It does seem that our weather patterns are changing after the wettest year on record last year we had one of the coldest Marchs anyone can recall - also one of the windiest & driest to boot! - the "spring", here in the UK, is at the very least 2-3 weeks later than "normal". In the middle of May & it's like the middle of October!

    1. It seems lots of places are seeing changes in patterns. Australia overall had one of its hottest ever summers over December to February 2012-2013, although here it was pretty much the usual summer temps. We just didn't get the usual wet season rainfall totals. It was one of our driest wet seasons for ages.

  10. Hi Bernie, great to see the flowers covered in raindrops, they look so different!

    1. Lol, yes it's not a common sight seeing flowers covered in raindrops at this time of year ... the end of Autumn.

  11. A truly gorgeous series of photos. I love the rain droplets, too!

  12. I feel very fortunate than you took a walk around your garden with your camera today Bernie. Really appreciate you sharing them with us and a big thank you from Today's Flowers. Every one of them is a gorgeous flower. Wishing you a great weekend.

  13. It looks like a colourful autumn in your garden! I love the white impatiens which looks a bit frosted after the rain.

  14. Glad you got some rain. Those sparkling blooms are so pretty with the rain.

  15. You have so many lovely flowers in fal that I plant in summer...looking for a bit of rain here...marigolds are my favorite.

  16. Just lovely Bernie, especially the impatiens. We are having a warning here regarding downey mildew with the impatiens but I am going to try them again this year, no problems in the past few years.


  17. Love your rain drenched flowers and thanks for the reminder to get some Tagetes in for a bit of winter colour.
    While you are having unseasonal late rains we have had one of our driest summers on record and our autumn rain has been very scanty. I just hope we get enough to fill the dams. They have not flushes since '95!

  18. Nice light to take photos. I love the first of the clouds and mountain (even tho its not a flower).


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