
Thursday, May 23, 2013

They're Back! ... The Year In Photographs ... May 23, 2013

The Agile Wallabies have returned to our yard, and there's been quite a large group of them grazing on the grass out there.

A couple of them have now resorted to not only eating the grasses growing above the ground, but they've begun to dig out the rootstock.

This particular mother is giving a life-long lesson to her tiny joey about where to find the really delicious treats!


  1. They're adorable, but I hope they won't totally destroy your garden.

    1. Gunilla, the joeys really are adorable little things. This particular one was trying to dig in the dirt. It was great fun to watch.

      The wallabies don't do too much damage. Most of the time they just graze on the grass. We call them our 'lawnmowers'.

  2. The second photo with a small wallaby in a pouch - is great! I've never seen them before - they look lovely. That's a pity that they're poached for their meat and fur :(

    1. Dewberry, thankfully the Agile Wallabies around this region are not in much danger.

  3. It's wonderful to see them returning now and back to mowing the lawn as before. The photo of the joey is so sweet.

    1. Shirley, we do miss Albert but it's just fantastic to see the wallabies back in our yard. There's something so special about having the opportunity to see them almost every day in such close proximity.

  4. Wallabies as natural lawn movers and environmental friendly ones too. How interesting!

    1. Yes Autumn Belle, the wallabies are our lawn mowers for most of the year. My husband only gets out the ride-on mower about two or three times a year and that's usually following the wet season and about mid-Spring. For the remainder of the year, the wallabies do a fabulous job!

  5. So cute...we have deer and you have wallabies....

    1. Definitely no deer here, Donna, but plenty of wallabies. I really enjoy having them around though. They don't do too much damage.


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