
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Waterfalls ... The Year In Photographs ... February 26, 2013

The wonderful Phyllanthus myrtifolius or Waterfall Plant is blooming again.

The lovely pendulous red blooms make a great display.


  1. What a wonderful plant. Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  2. Gosh Bernie you never fail to amaze me with your huge collection of plants. That is awesome - I love the little droplets, so well named.

  3. Dear Bernie.
    A most beautiful and special looking plant. Have never seen it before.
    Thanks for sharing ´your waterfall´ ;o)
    Have a nice day. Best regards, Iris.

  4. This is a very unique plant! I've never set eyes before on such an unusual specimen. a plant worthy of its name.

  5. Lovely flowers, yet another plant I have never heard about!

  6. G'Day Bernie... I don't think I have ever seen anything like that plant! Quite gorgeous and does it come up from the little pods dropping to the ground?


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