
Friday, March 1, 2013

Flower Flaunt Friday ... On This First Day of Autumn

We're greeting the first day of another month and March is officially the start of Autumn Downunder.  Here in my north-eastern corner of Oz though, the leaves don't start changing colour and there's no noticeable change in conditions.  It's still sunny, hot and humid.  We've had the occasional overcast showery day over the last couple of weeks of February, as the Summer drew to a close.

Overall though, the Summer of 2012-2013 has been rather dry.  We've had less than half of our average summertime rainfall, with the months of December and February being particularly drier than usual.  We haven't seen days and days and days of heavy monsoonal downpours this wet season.  Of course, the rain that has been falling has been greatly appreciated by the garden.

So, onto what's blooming on this first Friday and first day of our Autumn.

Pennisetum advena 'Rubrum'

Turnera subulata and Russelia juncea.


Hibiscus schizopetalus.

Mussaenda glabra.

Duranta repens.

Mussaenda philippica 'Aurore'.

Clerodendrum ugandense.

Justicia carnea.

Phyllanthus myrtifolius.

I'm joining Tootsie for Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers

Tina for Weekend Flowers


  1. I don't care what time of year you say it is is always pretty there! Your gardens are always just full of delightful things for me to oooh and aaah over! Love visiting you!
    Thanks for linking in again this week..I am sharing it to my tootsie time facebook page too!
    hugs from Alberta Canada!

    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

    1. It's always a pleasure linking in with your fabulous meme, Glenda. It's the start of my favourite time of the year here in the north-east. I'm just waiting patiently now for the temps and humidity levels to drop a bit. Then I can get out into the garden a lot more.

  2. First day of autumn in your garden and first day of spring here in London! Your garden looks lovely as always, and with lots of plants and flowers I haven't heard about before - should have by now, I have been following you for quite some time, so by now they should start to be familiar, but you have so many gorgeous ones! Have a great week-end :-)

    1. Helene, I just love the start of Autumn here as it means the start of the best time of the year is almost upon us. I can't wait! I do hope your Spring conditions eventuate sooner rather than later, and you get a break from the freezing conditions at the moment.

  3. Hi mayt Bernie, hehe, when you finished 'whining' about your hot temps, it is my turn to do so! It is already dry season or start of summer here and it is already 33C. When it is coupled with polluted air of the city, it is hell, haha!

    That hibiscus schizopetalus is still in my wish list, wonder when i can have it. Your duranta is still having lots of blooms, while mine already dwindling. By the way, i haven't seen your Delonix regia this year, that one on the hill viewed from your house!

    1. Yes the 'whining' chorus can now pass on to you, as we're almost at the end of the horrid summery conditions here now. I can relate to that kind of hell! It's one of the downsides of living in the tropics.

      That Delonix you mentioned didn't bloom all that much this summer. The Delonix regias on my property were not at their very best either. It's all to do with just how dry our dry season is, I think.

  4. All of them are so beautiful! Being in a tropical country, we get to enjoy these flowers all year long.

    1. We are very lucky in that respect, Jama. We get to see flowers all year round.

  5. Wow, just when I think I have seen all the flowers, I am taken aback by all the beauties in your garden. I must visit down under skme day. Your garden is stunning!

    1. Thank you That Bloomin Garden. Put Australia on your must-see list. It's a wonderful place if I do say so myself.

  6. I think we should both go and do a little dance of joy. You have your Autumn I have spring whoopee!!!! We can both get down to some real gardening. I can't wait to get outside and plant the veg beds sow seeds for summer bedding. You have some real stunners in the garden at the moment I love the Mussenda philippica 'Aurore' the Clerodendrum ugandense and the Duranta repens is a stunner.

    Hope you enjoyed your reading!

    1. The dancing feet are ready, Sue! I certainly did enjoy the reading, thank you so much. I sent you an email. I hope you got it.

  7. so lovely weekend flowers :) it´s nice to see the colors, while sitting in grey germany!

    1. I hope that grey disappears for you soon, Tina.

  8. Beautiful flowers and great shots. The last one is very interesting with its hanging blooms.

    1. Diane, the Phyllanthus is often used in council plantings. I'm sure you would recognise the shrub, but it's not often you see them in full bloom. Mine is at least 15 years old by now, probably more and in the last two years it's been covered in blooms a couple of times every year.

  9. thanx for sharing your beautiful flowers with us :)

  10. i love your vibrant garden! Phyllanthus myrtifolius is new to me--delightful!

  11. I love all your flowers. It might be autumn for you there, but your temps are still higher than our temps in the summer. We might have a handful of days with temps over +25 on a good summer.

  12. I am glad I came by today to get my flower fix. LOL! Your garden is so beautiful.I just love your Duranta repens. How gorgeous are those blooms. Have a lovely weekend Bernie.

  13. So lovely Bernie, would just like our winter to be over!


  14. Bernie I really love these exotic blooms especially the last one.

  15. Beautiful shots. Hope you'd find time to visit my entry.

  16. Wonderful flowers. They are so beautiful, every single one.

  17. Your flowers are great beauties and they deserved to be flaunted - over and over again! Besides the photography is great too!

  18. the Polygala is cool never seen it..whats the common name for.Clerodendrum ugandense?.the Mussaenda glabra is very pretty.

  19. Message was really good.Flowers were so bloom and beautiful specially the Polygala so fabulous.I love all the photos so nice.Looking forward for more photos of flowers and updates.

  20. Really gorgeous flowers! Look at those durantas and hibiscus. Great shots, by the way, and thanks for sharing. :)


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