
Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday Flower Flaunt ... As Our Summertime Starts Coming To An End.

I'm doing the countdown now, as our summer months are about to officially finish.  There's  now only one more week of summer to go ... but of course the summertime temps and humidity levels will continue for a little while yet.  Still, my favourite time of the gardening year is just around the corner and almost in sight now.   If only we could get a little more rain.  We've really only had around half of our average summer rain this summer as we haven't had much of a wet season at all.

At the moment the fabulous summer-blooming Queen's Myrtle, Lagerstroemia speciosa, is in all her glory.

The Mussaenda philippica 'Bangkok Rose' almost pale into insignificance against the backdrop of the Queen's Myrtle.

The fabulous lavender purple of the Queen Myrtle flowers really stands out in the soft glow of the early evening.

Costus productus continues its year-round show.

There are more and more pure white blooms appearing on the climbing vines of the Jasminum.  I really love the pink buds.

The Portulaca always cheers me up with their lovely colours.

The fabulous purple Water Lily is a delight.

My Brassocattleya hybrid continues to put on a very pretty display.

There are more pink blooms appearing on the dwarf Azalea shrub in the front garden bed.

There are several Ixoras in bloom around the place, including this gorgeous lemon yellow variety.

My favourite Pentas is showing off.

There are buds appearing once more on my Aeschynanthus lobbianus or Lipstick Plant,

and my pretty Callistemon 'Pink Champagne' has begun another blooming cycle.

I'm joining Tootsie for Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers

and Nix for Floral Friday Fotos 

I'm also joining Today's Flowers


  1. The Queen Myrtle flowers are absolutely gorgeous epically in the evening glow but I can’t help being drawn to the beautiful white flowers of the Jasmine and the Pentas. Like you a fellow plant-a-holic I love all your flowers but I find myself drawn to the whites more and more. Beautiful.

    1. I'm also drawn more and more to white in the garden, Sue. I'm trying to add little touches of white around the place. The Queen Myrtle in the evening is a magnificent sight though.

  2. Gorgeous flowers! We still have a lot of snow and won't have flowers for several months. My photos were all from last summer. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Gunilla, I really enjoyed all the flower shots in your post. Your blooms from last summer were beautiful. Hope that snow clears soon.

  3. It is always wonderful to look at the blooms from the other side of the world - especially when our blooms are so few. Yours are so lush and beautiful - a treat for the eyes and the spirit!

    1. Ginny, I'm very happy I could brighten your day a little with the blooms at my place.

  4. Your garden is absolutely gorgeous. I love the Queen's Myrtle.

    1. Thanks SquirrelQueen. The Queen's Myrtle is dressed in her finest right now.

  5. Hi Bernie, you have a lot of wonderful plants in bloom at the moment, have a great day.

    1. I appreciate you kind comment, thanks Karen. I'm so lucky to be able to have something in bloom all year-round here.

  6. What a beautiful summer blooming in your garden. Enjoy the last week of summer. Here I am, tired of winter and longing for spring:)

    1. Jannibele, this last week of summer is really hot and humid, but those conditions will last for a bit longer yet.

  7. Your garden must be a beautiful sight Bernie. I enjoyed looking at all these gorgeous blooms. Thank you so much for linking up with Today's Flowers. I hope you get your rain soon.

  8. I fell in love with your lovely Queen's Myrtle and your lily is a real beauty. All the other plants are looking great too. You work wonders with your garden.

  9. I have not seen pink Callistemon here. It is beautiful. I liked the cattleya too. Your garden looks good in all seasons.

  10. Fantastic series! Ma favorites are the third pic and the Water Lily and the last "Pink Champagne"! I know it only in red.

  11. What an exquisite offering of blooms!

  12. So many beautiful flowers to admire...
    Thank you for sharing.
    Please visit my garden in Canada,

  13. i'm drooling! i wish i have all these in the garden--but i can dream, can't i?:p
    the Queen Myrtles are stunning! i think we have Portulaca here but the name is different...i believe they're also edible.:p

  14. Your garden must be lovely with so many gorgeous flowers around!

  15. Beautiful flowers as always. Hope you'd find time to visit my entry.

  16. Bernie I love your exotic flowers....sad to see them going, but glad your favorite time is coming. For you it is fall and for me it is spring...time to start celebrating!

  17. Bernie,
    we are just the opposite...looking forward to spring here. We have not had any winter to speak of unlike further north where they have been socked with snow three week-ends in a row.

  18. your garden is winding down and I'm just getting
    mine ready for spring.. such a display of colors
    and flowers.
    Simply beautiful

  19. We must be getting all your rain down here by mistake. At first it made me happy for the garden after it had dried out badly but now I've had enough. Love the purple Queen Myrtle and the orchid.

  20. I know I have often said this, but your garden is like paradise!!
    I hope the rain has eased up your way? We have finally had 2 days with blue skies & fluffy clouds!


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