
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

From Our Verandah ... The Year In Photographs ... February 20, 2013

I never tire of the view from the verandah that wraps around our house.  Some mornings the outlook is just so lush and green.

The recent rain has helped transform the parched bushland that surrounds our place.


  1. Hello Bernie, that's good for you. We are just starting on our dry season though, my turn to be complaining, haha. By the way, i still remember this scene with rains flowing lavishly on those undulating designs.

  2. What a wonderful view. That’s one of the things I miss about our first married home we backed on to a river with open land beyond. It’s fare more desirable than other peoples washing and windows. Alas we grew out of the little cottage and garden. But the time we had there will always be a precious memory.

  3. What a beautiful view to greet you every day. Thank you for sharing it with us.


  4. I would spend a lot of time in that very spot. Coffee in hand

  5. A little bit of rain certainly seems to make a difference in your garden.


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