
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Time For The Queen ... The Year In Photographs ... February 17, 2013

It's Queen's Myrtle blooming time at my place.  One of my Lagerstroemia speciosa is on show right now.

This fabulous Lagerstroemia grows taller than the very familiar Lagerstroemia indica or Crepe Myrtle.  It is an outstanding summer-blooming tropical tree.

I simply adore the gorgeous large rose pink-purple flowers.

These grand crinkly flowers are obviously loved by many insects as well, as there are various six-legged visitors feasting on the nectar every day.



  1. I've never seen this before. It looks beautiful and it has a nice lavender color.

    1. It's a fabulous tree, Dewberry. One of my favourite summer bloomers.

  2. I love this and am so happy to have it right outside the kitchen. I have limbed it up as I've seen them done here in our area and it is making a lovely tree. My husband bought it a few years back for our anniversary. The blooms are wonderful, so big, frilly and have a light scent.


  3. Lagerstroemia speciosa, what a name for a great plant! It sounds like it was named after someone Norwegian called Lagerstrøm? Or possibly the Sweedish version Lagerström. Beautiful plant anyway - never heard of it before :-)

  4. G'Day Bernie.... Crape myrtles are abundant in the south. We have tiny dwarf ones and huge ones like trees. Seems yours blooms a bit differently than the ones we have. The blooms on ours are tighter and in clusters. They are quite spectacular aren't they? Every had a
    Chaste tree? I love those mainly because it's blue!

  5. What a beautiful colour of shrub - so glad you posted a close up so that we could see the crinkled petals in more detail.

  6. I planted a crepe myrtle a while back,and just noticed buds on it this weekend. I just love the crinkly flowers.

  7. I love the beautiful purple flowers and those pollinators chasing the flowers...

  8. Such beautiful flowers to have in the garden....and I love your bee shot:) Hope you are doing well. I can't wait for our flower season to begin:)


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