
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

On The I.D. Trail ... The Year In Photographs ... February 12, 2013

I received a few pass-along Orchid plants just a couple of years back.  The lovely old lady who gave them to me couldn't give me a name to match, so I've had to do a bit of research.  I've posted photos and a request for an ID on several sites, and there seems to be a consensus of opinion on at least of them.   It seems I'm in the possession of a Brassocattleya (Bc) Maikai hybrid.

It started blooming late last week,

and has faded to this lovely very pale purple.

Then just yesterday, another of the pass-along Orchids opened up for the first time.  It certainly looks similar although it's slightly darker in colour and has a slightly different shaped bloom.  Could it also be a Brassocattleya hybrid?


  1. How wonderful to have these lovely pass-along orchids. I love the colors.

    Have a nice Valentine's day ~ FlowerLady

  2. They do look very similar and both are so pretty, what a wonderful gift she passed along.

  3. You have some real stunning Orchids here ...beautiful.

  4. I love orchids, but I'm hopeless at growing them, and always admire anyone that can grow them and get them to bloom. These are just gorgeous!

  5. Lovely Orchids, Bernie! They really are gorgeous! :-))

  6. I can't help with the orchids Bernie, but they are gorgeous, I really like looking at them but for some reason have no inclination to grow them. Love the mauve colour.

  7. Beautiful. I'm always surprised about how hardy orchids are, despite their delicate appearance.


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