
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Cricket Anyone? ... The Year In Photographs ... February 21, 2013

I've been seeing lots of grasshoppers around lately, which is pretty stock standard for summertime.  But this little fellow looks more like a cricket of some sort.

I really love the patterned back of this little creature.

I don't love the damage it's leaving behind on my poor Pelargonium however.


  1. Replies
    1. Dewberry, I wouldn't mind so much but it's my lovely Pelargonium it's munching its way through. I'm hoping it will find something even more delicious to eat and move on!

  2. Szkoda, że robią szkody, bo są śliczne. Pozdrawiam.
    It is a pity that they do harm, because they are beautiful. Yours.

    1. Giga, this one certainly is a lovely thing. It's just a real shame it chose a plant that I've been carefully tending for a long time now.

  3. I saw a grasshopper the other day, and hardly ever see them. I hope that isn't a bad sign or more to come.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

    1. Lorraine, we see grasshoppers here all the time, but particularly in the summertime. I often get little groups of them munching their way through various plants like Coleus and Plectranthus during the summer months. I just expect them every year!

  4. bernie he is cool ...move him to another plat at the neighbors!!! and get a close up

    1. Sharon, I agree he is cool! I just loved his long, long antennae. Unfortunately my old Canon camera doesn't do really good macro shots. If I see this little fellow again I will be trying to get better photos.

  5. It does look like a cricket. I normally find if I leave things be, something bigger will come along and gobble him up. we are inundated with thousands of dragonflies and I hear they eat mosquitoes, which is good.

    1. Yes AA I do the same as you. I tend to leave the critters alone, even when they're munching their way through my favourite plants. There doesn't seem to by anything coming along to dine on the cricket though. We've had a few dragonflies, and mosquitoes lately too. But we've been inundated with little green grasshoppers, and they're really enjoying the menu here!!!


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