
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie ...The Year In Photographs ... January 26, 2013

Today is our special day of celebration known as Australia Day.  It's the official national day for our country, and a time to come together and celebrate all that's great about this enormous country of ours ... the diverse society, the varied and incredible landscape, the achievements and the challenges ... but above all, it's a day to celebrate what's great about being Australian.

So to all the other Aussies out there, I hope you have a fabulous day.  We're putting some prawns on the barbie, having a few coldies and listening to some iconic Aussie songs.  

Here's my favourite ....  "I Am, You Are, We Are Australian".  


  1. Super picture for Australia Day and That is my favourite Aussie song too. We are having a quiet day at home and smelling the lovely rain that has finally come.

    1. It's fantastic to see you're getting rain down there at last, Diane. Oswald has certainly been working its magic up and down the coast. Sounds like we're both having the same sort of day.

  2. Love that song, and that's a beautiful video of it. I liked how they did it before tonight's Australian Women's Open tennis final.

  3. I didn't know you have such a celebration in Australia! I like your country very much! I wish I could go there some day and see these beautiful landscapes :)

    I wish you the best Australian Day ever!

  4. Happy Australia Day...celebrate and have a few coldies for me!

  5. Happy Australia Day, I like that song too, I have heard it before - think I have seen the video before too actually but can't remember where, I do visit a good few Australian blogs so maybe some of you had it on your blog last year. Hope you had a good day, and that the rain held up for a moment :-)

  6. Happy Australia Day Bernie. The song is beautiful!

  7. Dear Bernie.
    Lovely song by The Seekers, and a great video too.
    Happy Australia Day.
    Best regards, Iris.


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