
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ah! The View ... The Year In Photographs ... January 31, 2013

The first week of the new school year with the students has just ended for me, and it was a very busy week.  It's an absolute joy to arrive home after a long day, and enjoy the view.


  1. It certainly is a beautiful view. Although your first week back has been a busy one it must be a very rewarding one to.
    I started a new job this week. I started as a volunteer on Tuesday morning and came home a full paid member of staff on Tuesday evening. I am working in the new art gallery. Rum’s Eg.

    1. Wow, that's great news,Sue. You obviously impressed them on your first day. I can imagine you'd really enjoy working in an art gallery.

      As for me, the first week was very busy. It was fabulous seeing so many of our special students returning with eager faces.

  2. Glad you had a good busy first week at school. What a fabulous view to come home too, not to mention your lovely home and gardens.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

    1. Thanks Lorraine. Yes the first week was very busy, and seemed to fly by very quickly. I am so very lucky to be able to come home to such a fabulous outlook.

  3. Hi Bernie....seems so strange for your school year to be starting. Everything is so different there. I hope you enjoy your class this year and they are the best ever. A beautiful view there!

    1. Jean, our school year starts at the end of January and finishes early to mid-December, depending on which educational system you work for. The long holiday then falls in early to mid-Summer for the students ... and teachers.

  4. The view is beautiful and strangely calming even with the dense clouds looming over the hilly horizon. Malaysia have a similiar school period except for the international schools where they have their own school systems.

    1. Stiletto, we've started seeing some more storm clouds looming in the last couple of days, but they never seem to turn into anything. Fingers crossed we get some rain this coming weekend.

      Yes, I think both our countries have a long school holiday break at the beginning of our summer.

  5. Wonderful view, and not raining today? Hope the weather is calmer down under from now on :-)

  6. Glad to hear the school year started off well. We are starting our second half. The times off seem shorter as my years in education are longer...I love my garden views too as they bring me peace.


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