
Friday, January 25, 2013

Droopy And Drenched ... The Year In Photographs ... January 25, 2013.

The monsoonal low pressure system (which was ex-cyclone Oswald) moved off further down the coast and the rain eased off considerably today.  Raindrops still covered many plants though, and this lovely droopy, drenched Poinciana flower caught my eye as I drove in from work this afternoon.


  1. The flower looks gorgeous! For me, it looks very tropical :)

    1. Yes Dewberry, this is definitely a tropical tree. It's a very common sight in garden and parks here.

  2. Glad to hear that you are getting some rain and hope you do not get any cyclones this year. What a lovely picture Bernie. Raindrops on blooms are always favorites with me. The blooms are beautiful enough but with the diamond drops of rain it makes them even more lovely. Have a great weekend.

    1. Lona, we certainly did get some rain as ex-cyclone Oswald made its way down the coast. Rain-splashed plants and blooms are one of my favourite sights, especially after a long dry season.

  3. I had never heard of Poinciana flower so had to look it up - as I often have to with flowers from your blog, they are not the kind you find in my part of the world! And what a spectacular flower this is - a tre, full of these flowers!! I saw a photo on Wikipedia from Florida Keys of a Poinciana tree, it just looked spectacular.


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