
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Against The Odds ... The Year In Photographs ... January 20, 2013

Here's a glimpse of survival against the odds.

Talk about a baptism of fire.  This dwarf Hibiscus was planted in one of the most inhospitable spots on my property during our Autumn last year.   That means it was planted just after the beginning of the long dry season.  Nine months of parched thirsty conditions have not beaten this little stayer however.

Talk about standing your ground!  Slowly but surely, it begins to bloom and grow.


  1. Beautiful! I used to have a hardy dwarf hibiscus but lost it when we last had a drought, back in 2006. Seems like a long time ago now, but that's last time we had a great summer!

    It seems yours is a bit more resilient than mine was!

    1. This one has really surprised me. I just can't wait for it to mature and fill the space a little more. I think it will be an absolute joy to drive in and find this little thing in bloom at the end of the driveway.

  2. Don't you just love these battlers?

  3. Plants like that are so wonderful in their persistence to exist and flourish. A sweet little bloom, may you have many more from it.


  4. Hibiscus is so beautiful...While I can't grow it I grow our native hardy hibiscus that is very similar and exotic looking.

  5. That says a lot for that hibiscus. It has a beautiful bloom Bernie.


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