
Monday, January 21, 2013

Mosaic Monday ... Signs of the Approaching Wet Season

After a long nine-month dry season, we've been looking for the signs of the imminent arrival of the yearly monsoonal wet season. 

Over the last week or so, we've seen quite a few leaden-grey skies.  We've listened to the quiet tinkle of light showers of raindrops sprinkling on the rooftop and courtyard.  We've smelt that heady sweet smell of rain in the air.  These sights and that sweet perfume of rain coming are, we hope, a promise of decent rain on the way.

The showers are most welcome, and I really don't want to complain, but we really need the drenching saturating downpours now.

I'm joining Mary for her weekly Mosaic Monday meme.


  1. There is nothing nicer then rain after a dry spell. Lovely mosaic Bernie. Hope you get lots of rain.

    1. Jen, the smell of the rain approaching is just heavenly. It's one of my favourite perfumes!

  2. Magnificent photography of your area ~ we are in 'winter' mode ~

    (A Creative Harbor)

    1. It's down time here and there, Carol. I don't do much at all in my garden during the summer as it's just way too hot and humid.

  3. That sure is a beautiful sky! I hope you enjoy the week ahead! Sweet hugs!

    1. Thanks Di. I go back to school in a couple of days for the teacher's professional development days before school officially starts. The holidays are almost over, unfortunately.

  4. Those cloud formations are both ominous and welcome, promising welcome rain. I hope you get the good drenching needed. The fires in Australia have been making the news here.

    1. Lorrie, we've been looking out upon lovely dark clouds for quite a few days now. But then the sun pushes its way through and the showers of rain dry up. We really need a blanket of dark clouds that bring decent rainfall.

      Thankfully the catastrophic bushfires you've been viewing on the news there, are not anywhere near me. Up here in the north-east we don't really get those raging out-of-control bushfires. Of course we do get other things, like cyclones!

  5. So pretty where you live. It's wonderful visiting blogs from around the world.

    1. That's exactly the reason I love blogging. We all get to see so many different parts of the world and meet wonderful people.

  6. Bernie, so interesting seeing the seasons in Austrailia. We do not have a rainy season but it can be a rainy season all year long depending upon the temperature. Right now, we are short of water and hoping that our trees and shrubs are alive this spring because of such a fdry summer.


    1. Eileen, I can't imagine what it would be like living in a place where it rains pretty much all year round. That is completely out of my realm of experience.

  7. I hope you get some rain, Bernie, if not I can send you some snow :-)
    Lovely mosaic, I am taking part in Mosaic Monday for the first time too.

    1. Wonderful to see you joining in the MM meme, Helene. It's great fun. Lol, wouldn't mind a bit of the snow right now.

  8. Dear Bernie.
    I very well understand your desperate need of rain, and I keep my fingers crossed it´ll come soon, like balm to you all.
    Best regards, Iris.

    1. Keep everything crossed, Iris. We've had some lovely light showers, but they haven't lasted for long and the rain barely touches the ground.

  9. Helene can send you rain, I can send you tons of snow :) I hope it will rain, the nature really needs water.

    1. Hopefully, Dewberry, the heavy rain is just around the corner now.

  10. Hi Bernie, I really like your dark clouds with a silver lining. So, it looks like there is a happy ending to your dry spell after all. I hope you have a thirst-quencher of a downpour for your scorched soil.

  11. Wonderful photos, Bernie! I hope the rains come soon for you! Take Care, have a great week!

  12. I love the smell of rain! Everything is so sweet. Living in the city, it cleans out the smog, too! We could use more rain, too. Hope we both get some. Lovely shots.

  13. Lovely mosaic Bernie, great colours. The season has broken I see and oh, what a wonderful sight that dripping rain from the veranda roof. I am a bit jealous really as I just love the sound of tropical downpours. When it starts raining here, all I smell is wet dust, lol.

  14. Enjoy the rain Bernie and thank your lucky stars you don't have to water today! That usually makes me happy. Sitting on the porch watching the rain is lovely.

  15. Bernie - Glad to read that you weren't affected by the fires we hear about in the U.S. We don't really have a wet season in Florida.

  16. Oh, I love the smell of rain! Your garden is so beautiful, Bernie. Thanks so much for sharing at MM. :) xoxo


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