
Monday, January 21, 2013

Raindrops ... The Year In Photographs ... January 21, 2013

Today there were light showers of rain sweeping in over the foothills.  They didn't last long, but it's wonderful to see tiny raindrops splashing over the plants in the garden once again.


  1. We had a light sprinkle but not enough. I haven't seen pink one's like this.

    1. Diane, the rain is coming down quite heavily at the moment. It seems that the low further north, that developed into a weak cyclone, is starting to affect our weather here. Hooray! It sounds like decent rain for a change. Wonder how long it's going to last?

  2. Hurray, it is a start, and how wonderful to hear the rain on the tin roof again. Soon the frogs will be croaking. Do you get the canetoads there as well? Thank goodness we don't get those here. You should be getting rain for the next 3 months, otherwise could be a dire situation.
    Well another cyclone might be forming off the Westcoast here. The last one gave us just a few sprinklings, and I would love a good soaking.....
    Hope your garden will soon revive and you can stop those sprinklers for a while.

    1. Yes it's definitely a start, Marguerite. The low up in the Gulf that developed into a Category 1 cyclone seems to have been the catalyst. Now we need it to continue. I could do with a break from the daily watering schedule.

      Yes there are a few canetoads around my place. Not quite as many as we used to see in the inner city suburbs, but still a few.

  3. Lovely photo Bernie. We had a light shower today but not of rain ....more snow. It's so cold here. Would you like to to swap?

    1. Sue, I wouldn't mind a swap for a couple of weeks, but I'd have to invest in a completely new wardrobe!!! With the showers of rain we've had in the last couple of days, we have had periods of cooler temps during the day, so that's been rather nice.

  4. Beautiful phots, Bernie. Good to hear you have got some rain, but I still have some snow left over if you want some!


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