
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Guilty Looks ... The Year In Photographs ... January 19, 2013

These lyrics came to mind with the look I got this morning  ...  "It ain't me babe, no no no, it ain't me babe.  It ain't me you're looking for!"

Well at least that's what I was led to believe with this look I got when I quizzed Prince Albert about the unfortunate sighting of a deceased baby possum upon my arrival at the bottom of the stairs this morning.

I kept on interrogating, but the suspect got the huffs ... threw himself down on the verandah ... and gave me this look!

Yep, I'm thinking "guilty as charged!"


  1. Replies
    1. Oh yeah, Sue. His copy book is pretty well blotted!

  2. I reckon he's got a guilty look.

  3. Too funny how they can look so sheepish even though they 'know' they've done something not so good. They 'know' their owners are oh so forgiving.


    1. We do let them get away with far too much, don't we? It's those puppy dog eyes! They're a lethal weapon.

  4. Hmmm....he does kinda have a guilty look. Kinda like my outside cat did the other day. I came home to a porch full of black bird feathers. No sign of the bird yet and Miz Kat is the only one who lives on the porch. She may break down and confess yet but I am not betting on it.

    1. Me thinks Miz Kat has been a tad naughty, Jean. I think cats are far better at covering up the truth than dogs. I don't think I'll lay money on a confession either.

  5. He got the huffs because you didn't appreciate the baby possum he brought you.

    1. I think I have to agree with you there, Southernruralroute. I'm sure he's thinking all his hard work goes unappreciated.

  6. Love how they get those guilty looks.

    1. Bonnie, they sure make it hard for themselves. The looks don't really help give the impression of innocence.


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