
Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday Flower Flaunt ... On This Mid-Summer Friday

It's simply lovely wandering out onto the courtyard in the mornings, cuppa in hand, and heading to the pond to see another Water Lily slowly opening up to greet the sun.

After a short walk around the garden in the morning that's about it for time spent outdoors at the moment.  As our summertime rolls on and the relentless oppressive heat continues, I'm spending the last few days of the summer school holidays inside in the air-conditioning.

Thanks goodness there are some plants that carry on blooming without much care and attention from me during these scorching mid-summer days.

Some Petunias still struggle on.

Plumeria blooms quite happily in the fierce sunshine.

Mussaenda philippica 'Calcutta Sunset' and Zinnia 'Summer Sensations' add a touch of orange to the garden.

So does Costus productus and

Ixora 'Twilight Glow'.

I love the cooling white of the Mandevilla 'White Fantasy' and

Tabernaemontana corymbosa 'Sweet Love'.

The trusty Pelargonium is still blooming,

as is the reliable Salvia farinacea 'Strata'.

I'm joining Tootsie for Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers

I'm also joining Nix for Floral Friday Fotos


  1. Beautiful flowers! My favourite is definitely Madevilla 'white fantasy' - it's absolutely gorgeous!

    1. Dewberry, I'm a fan of anything white in the garden, so I can understand why Mandevilla is your favourite.

  2. Sigh.... you should see what we have got weather wise today! Lovely flowers I long for spring soon be time to plant some seeds..if this snow goes away!

    1. Sue, looking at your winter wonderland photo on FB last night certainly cheered my lagging spirits. Now I know you probably don't feet the same way, but it was a treat for someone sweltering in the tropical heat.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Liz. I just loved your yellow Heliconia. I've never grown them, which seems absurd given where I live, but I'm starting to come round and think about planting some in pots for my courtyard.

  4. It's good to hear that summer and blooming is happening somewhere in the world. The water lily is pretty.

    1. Oh yes, Gabby, summer is definitely here right now. Australian summers can be quite a harsh and destructive time of the year, and I'm not a big fan of them. My poor garden is suffering as usual from thirst.

  5. Jak to miło podziwiać piękne kwiaty, gdy u nas wszystko śnieg przykrywa. Pozdrawiam.
    How nice to enjoy the beautiful flowers with us when snow covers everything. Yours.

    1. Giga, it's lovely to walk around the garden very early in the morning, but that's about the only time I get to enjoy the few blooms out there.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you Joy for your lovely comment, and for popping in for a visit.

  7. These are fabulous Bernie. I've been hearing all about your heatwave and the horrible fires. Hope it all settles soon.

    1. Yes Denise, heatwave conditions and catastrophic fires are fairly common during our summers here unfortunately. It can be a harsh place to live in at times. I'm very fortunate in that we're only experiencing our usual summertime temps up here in the the north-east. We're not getting extremely high temps as are other places in Oz, and there are no raging bushfires around us up here. We are however now in our cyclone season and waiting with bated breath to see what eventuates for us.

  8. Hi Bernie, when I read the phrase 'scorching mid-summer days' I almost choked on my coffee! We had minys 7 Celsius here last night, and today we got our first snow. I wouldn't mind some scorching mid-summer right now, although I realise it's not easy when it gets too hot.
    As usual you have a mix of flowers I know well and some I have never heard of, would have loved to have a Plumeria but don't think it would have liked our snow today!

  9. Wonderful flowers! You can always come visit us if it gets too hot for you over there. We had -27 celsius this morning...

  10. Beautiful post.
    Thank you for your participation.

  11. Bernie you may think your garden looks fried but to me it looks wonderful! I didn't know you had a pond or maybe I forgot that I had seen it. I do love the blue water lily that is blooming. I always loved the tropicals and my favorite is blue gigantia which looks a lot like yours.

  12. You described my garden walks by the pond in summer to watch the water lilies with a cuppa!! So nice to see flowers even if only on my computer!

  13. Flowers make my day. So nice that you still have some.

  14. i always learn something when i visit your blog.
    Sweet Love and White Fantasy are gorgeous!

  15. Lovely flowers in spite of the heat! It is hotting up here too.

  16. Middle of summer for you - that means it is the middle of winter for me. Means there will be an end to this!!
    In the meantime, I can enjoy your beautiful garden, and dream...

  17. Incredible blooms! I enjoyed them all so much!

  18. O for summer sun. It held off for Obama today but we're in for cold tomorrow.

  19. thank you so much for linking in this week. I always enjoy having time to get around and look at what everyone shared with us! I hope to see you again soon! I am sharing this post on the tootsie time facebook page as well!
    hugs from Alberta Canada!

    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.


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