
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wordless Wednesday ... Just Hangin!

I'm joining Linda for her Wordless Wednesday meme,

Tina for her Wordless Wednesday meme


  1. awww, that is so cute. what a great home. (:

  2. I love those shots! What a perfect capture...thanks for joining WWA this week!

  3. Great capture...nature at it's best

  4. what a lovely nest Bernie!!! I hope you captures the babies!

  5. Great photo of the bird in its nest. Amazing to have it that close.

  6. That is so cute! I want one!!

  7. They've made themselves really comfy. Maybe there'll be some little(r) ones soon. Here's hoping.

  8. Aww dear Bernie, isn`t she / he just cute. What a lovely ´neighbour´ to have.
    Lucky you to have a nest that close to you, to follow the family activity ;o)
    Fabulous. Best regards, Iris.

  9. I take it little sunbirds are social and not afraid. Looks like she is quite comfy there.

  10. So Bernie, did the bird make that nest or did he just move into something that was there. In other words, what IS that thing he's in?

  11. HI Bernie, you are far luckier than I, we have their nest just near the kitchen but I can't see them in that position. The nest was used 2x before making another one, seem like they use the nest only once a year though! They are maybe so wary of people here because the nest is hanging on a lemon tree in between 2 busy sides. Or maybe you just have more powerful lens than mine.


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