
Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday Flower Flaunt ... On This Mid-Spring Day.

Things have been rather hectic around here lately.  I've been so very busy at work and I've had family and friends visiting.  Then to top everything off, I came down with some really horrid stomach bug.  It was nasty! So, writing blog posts has been relegated to the end of my 'to-do list'.  Thankfully there have been some lovely blooms on display to cheer me up at the end of a long work day, and to share with my visitors.

Out in the courtyard,

A couple of the lovely Neoregelias I was sent by a kind friend, are showing blooms in their cups.

This Costus productus, that began life as bits trimmed off the original plant which were then literally shoved into a pot, is blooming beautifully.  Each stalk of this ornamental ginger produces an orange 'cone', which then produces a succession of red orangey flowers.

One of the latest of my potted Liliums to bloom is this gorgeous Asiatic Lilium 'Double Elodie'.

This Lily has a double layer of soft pink petals that are decorated by lovely little spots.  They really are the prettiest things.

There's another pretty in pink Asiatic Matisse Lilium blooming at the moment too.

Then there are the bright, brilliant Asiatic Matisse Lilium known as 'Kentucky'.  You can't miss it!

The gorgeous frilly Petunias continue their show.

The Pelargonium peltatum is throwing out lots of flower sprays.

The beautiful pass-along Water Lily I got a few weeks back, has flourished in the pond.  I'm totally smitten with it magnificent flowers.

Out in the front tiered garden beds,

the Justicia brandegeana is on show,

the Dietes bicolor continues to bloom and

the first Hemerocallis buds are appearing.  The Daylily parade is about to begin.

I'm joining Tootsie for Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers

and Tina for Weekend Flowers

I'm also joining Today's Flowers


  1. Lots of beauty in your gardens, Bernie! Happy Spring to you!

    1. Thanks Beth. Our Spring conditions have really been quite delightful so far, with only a few very hot days. I'm not sure how much longer this can last though.

  2. Oh I want to be there with new spring blooms coming on (Big cry baby)... LOL! The Elodie Lilies are just lovely Bernie. So are your Dietes. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Sorry to make you cry, Lona. Hopefully your Autumn/Winter won't be too long or too harsh. This is my first year trying out the Elodies, and I'm very pleased with them. I'll be looking at getting more next year.

  3. Hi Bernie, I haven't seen that color for a costus before, and that Pelargonium is awesome. I want to have it.

    1. Andrea, that orange Costus was the first ornamental Ginger I purchased, and I originally got it for its colour. The orange and red really stand out. That Pelargonium is my only survivor now, and it's really doing well this year. It's the only one that has come through out wet seasons in the last two years, so it's very special to me.

  4. Bernieh,

    It is so wonderful to see spring starting where you are, even as we are putting our gardens to bed. Love your assortment of lilies.

    1. Yael, those Lilies are certainly brightening up the courtyard at the moment. I love it when the Lilies are blooming.

  5. Oh Bernie I hope i van grow some the double elodie.......are they harder than the regular..plain old yellow day lilies?

    1. Sharon, the Double Elodie are Asiatic Lilies. I do find them just as hardy as the Daylilies I grow here, although of course they're not evergreen like my Daylilies. The Asiatic Lilies grow in varying climate zones here, from Cool, Temperate, Arid, Semi-arid, Mild Tropical to Tropical, so they're a very adaptable plant.

  6. Your Lilliums are gorgeous, I love the pink ones with the little spots. I love to see flowers on my water lilly, I have a creamy white one.

    1. Thanks Alicia. I'm so hoping to build up a little collection of Water Lilies, and a white one is top of my list. I'm on the lookout for them now.

  7. Absolutely great photo's Bernie, I wish we could grow gingers here, I don't have the right micro climate for them in my garden. Those double Asiatic Liliums are Beautiful. Have a great weekend.

    1. Karen, I only wish I had more room for the ornamental Gingers. I think I'll have to get some more pots, lol!!!

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks, Lotusleaf. The new purchases this year have done really well. I'm still waiting on last year's to bloom.

  9. Replies
    1. Thanking you, Modern Mom. That Bougainvillea is wonderful.

  10. Lovely flowers. I especially love the lilies.

    1. Thanks Gunilla. I too am really loving the Lilies right now.

  11. I love watching your gardens come to life as mine are going to sleep.

    1. I'm glad the blooms give joy to others as well as myself, Bonnie. I'll try to keep posting lots of photos while your garden has a snooze.

  12. Beautiful blooms as always. I hope you are feeling better.

  13. Just lovely to see all these tropical flowers in spring...I think of them as summer flowers. And the lilies showing in spring is amazing as I wait until summer for mine.

  14. Hi Bernie, I do love all the beautiful flowers you have shared today, and thank you so much for linking up with Today's Flowers. We appreciate the support. Hope you feel much better after that nasty stomach bug. They really do wipe you out don't they? Wishing you a very healthy and happy week ahead.

  15. Sorry to hear that you have been ill. Hope all is better now. The blooms are beautiful as usual. My lilies haven't started yet.

  16. You've got such beautiful blooms. Get well soon!

    Late visit from Today's Flower.
    My Flower entry
    Have a great week ahead!

  17. thanks for sharing your wonderful flowers with us :)


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