
Monday, October 8, 2012

Mosaic Monday ... Roses, Roses, Roses.

I've been so fortunate to play a part in caring for the Roses in our school Rose garden, and this year has been a particularly great year for them.  They have been putting on the most fabulous display, and I've been bringing home beautiful big bunches of Roses to brighten up the house.

I just had to share the Rose bouquets I've enjoyed just in the last couple of weeks.

The colours and the perfumes are absolutely stunning.

I'm joining Mary for Mosaic Monday


  1. Wow, they are so wonderful and colorful! I love roses.


    1. They sure are lovely FlowerLady, and they're attracting a lot of attention this year. The display has been fantastic for quite some time now.

  2. The School Roses garden must be so beautiful now Bernie. I remember it from last years posting. I will be coming to get my flower fix from your blog over the coming months. LOL! I am going to miss my own. The bouquet is just gorgeous!

    1. Lona, the Rose garden needs a bit of dead-heading right now. I've been on term break for two weeks and of course didn't get to that job. They are plenty of huge blooms everywhere though. I'll definitely try to quench your thirst for flowers by posting my Springtime blooms over the next few weeks. Summertime is a different story though, but I'll do my best.

  3. Hi Bernie...the roses are beautiful...and you are a lucky girl to get to cut and enjoy them. In the florist business our roses have been bred for stem length, head size and color and they seem to have left smell out! Only a few of our roses smell and it's a shame. They have such a heavenly fragrance.

    1. Thankfully most of the Roses do have a perfume, Jean. It's simply wonderful strolling past the garden when heading into my room. There's always a lovely fragrance on the breeze.

  4. wow...what a lovey bouquet!!!!

  5. Dear Bernie.
    I´m an inveterate Rose-lover myself, have about a hundred plants in my garden, and I find your roses to be absolutely fantastic. Such beautiful colours, a pity you do not know their names, as I would definately like having one or two of them, here in my garden. Wow, they´re just lovely. Wish this WAS a ´smell-o-vision´ thi hi ... ;o) I see you´ve provided very well for them. Great Job.
    I very much enjoy caring and nursing the roseplants, from our early spring March and ahead till the frost bites them. I still have some blooming, although they´ve almost drowned in rain, and are being torn apart by the rough wind from the Northsea.
    Lovely post. Enjoyed it very much. Best regards, Iris.

    1. Iris, there are some tags on a couple of the rose bushes so I'll try and find out the names of those just for you. You certainly do have a huge collection. A hundred ... now that's just amazing.

      I'm starting to really appreciate Roses more and more these days, but I'm still not all that eager to try growing them in my own garden. Although there really isn't anywhere for them anyway. I'll just have to continue enjoying the school Rose garden.

    2. Dear Bernie. If you can reveal some names, that would be magic. Thank you so much. I´m always looking for new ´members´ to my rose-family ;o) My latest ´aquaintance´ is ´Nahéma´. A rambler with ´sugar-pink´ flowers and the most extraordinary wonderful fragrance. Named after the Guerlain perfume. (Usually it´s the other way ´round !) The past three winters were cruel to the roses due to bare frost, however the snow we had this last winter sort of ´protected´ the plants and they were really lovely this summer.
      Best regards, and THANKS. Iris.

  6. The Rose’s are stunning. You have cast your magic wand over that Rose garden beautiful!

  7. Bernie, you are obviously a great caretaker for the roses, just beautiful. I am rethinking roses because we had such a destructive year with the Japanese Beetles. I will try one more year with a new plan of attach and then I must take some of them out to make room for plants that are not affected.


  8. I didn't know that roses gre so well in the tropics. You sure have a green thumb and the school garden must look stunning.

  9. I adore the colors and mix of roses...I can only imagine the perfume....


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