
Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday Flower Flaunt ... On This Mid-Spring Friday

There are some lovely signs of Spring in a few spots in my garden, but I haven't shared any posts about it lately.  I've been away from the blogging world for a couple of weeks now.  The end of last term was a very busy time for me.  Then I went away for the first week of our school holidays to enjoy the company of my family down south.  When I returned home though, I found that the internet connection was down and the telecom company won't be coming to look at it until next week.  BOO, HISS!!! 

Anyway, as I had to pop into school to do some preparation work for the new term that starts next week, I thought I'd make the effort to post at long last.

Fingers crossed our internet at home will be up and running early next week, as I starting to suffer serious virtual world withdrawal symptoms. 

O.K. moving on ... let's see what's blooming around my place on this first Friday of our mid-Spring month.  The Spring colour can mostly be found out in my courtyard garden.

I'm really loving this stunning L.A. Lilium 'Eye Liner' with its white petals decorated with maroon dots and edged with a thin black border.  I simply have to work out how to keep the seeds of this beauty.  I've never had a go at keeping the Lily seeds before, so I will be embarking on a new journey of discovery and learning.

This beauty is one of the Oriental Lilium 'Sumo' range, but I'm not sure of the particular varietal name.  These huge blooms have a wonderful perfume.

The scent of these Oriental Lilium blooms is filling my little courtyard garden at the moment, and I'm really enjoying my mid-morning cuppa out there each day, as my break from school is coming to an end very soon.

The Angelonia angustifolias and Torenia 'Violet Magic' are still on show.

There's a little bit of a cottage-garden look happening out in one corner of the courtyard. The combination of Salvia farinaceas, Angelonia angustifolias, Torenia and Impatiens hawkeri looks simply gorgeous at the moment.  It's a real touch of Spring in the rather dreary 'dry season'

This is why I so love my little courtyard paradise.

The showy double white Petunias have come back beautifully from their drastic cut-back.  I never tire of these big frilly blooms.

Elsewhere in the courtyard, there are flower sprays on the Pelargonium peltatum and the cheery faces of the Osteospermum are out once again.

I'm joining Tootsie for  Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers


  1. Welcome back, missed your posts. Torenia has such pretty flowers, and i love the scent of the lillies, but not the pollen so much. Enjoy the rest of your time off.

    1. Thanks Karen. I've been having serious withdrawal symptoms and it's an absolute pleasure to finally have the internet problems resolved. I'm back at work now, so now more time off. Fortunately it's a short term this time around.

  2. Stunning lilies the perfume must be amazing. I love the combination of colours in your "Cottage Garden" area, it is so pretty. It has become very cold here so most of the garden is going to sleep for the winter....Think I might join it!

    1. Hi Sue, yes the perfume from those Lilies is just magnificent, especially in the early morning or on dusk. It's heating up here now, and the sunshine is becoming fiercer every day.

  3. Bernie- your garden is a pleasure to behold. In New Zealand we are way behind in the " blooming" season- my first pansies are coming out, and the grevillia is in bloom- but petunias are a way off yet! I love your blog. Two of my adult children live in Melbourne so I am gradually learning about Australia from lovely blogs like yours :)

    1. Thank you for your kinds words, Marygems. My little corner of Oz is really very dry and parched right now, as we're six months into our dry season. There isn't much colour around the place apart from my courtyard, so most of the property is not very picturesque right now.

  4. You have things in flower that I can only dream about at this early stage of our growing season. Your courtyard must be a lovely place to sit. Enjoy it while you can before school goes back!

    1. Lyn, my courtyard is my haven especially at this time of the year when our dry season has been rolling on for months. I spend quite a bit of time out there as often as possible before the summery weather really ramps up.

  5. welcome back Bernie, your garden could never be called dreary :) It is amazing how dependent we can become on technology isn't it? Hope everything is back up and running soon.

    1. Hi AA, everything is back to normal at last, so I can start visiting other blogs once more. I really do miss the internet when it's down and it was a very long fortnight without it.

  6. Replies
    1. Thankfully, everything is up and working now. I've missed the gardening blog world so much over the last few weeks. Time to catch up.

  7. Hi Bernie...welcome home! Glad you had a good little holiday. Garden is gorgeous as usual. I know about the internet withdrawal symptoms too! First thing you do when you get back home. Check the emails!

    1. Thanks Jean. The term break was just lovely. I started back at school today, but it's a short term this last term, so I'm already looking forward to the big end of school year break. I found it very hard spending the break just visiting my own garden, and not blog hopping!

  8. I wondered if you were just busy or something else was going on. Glad to hear all is well anyway with you.
    I love the Eyeliner lily Bernie. I have had my eye on that one in the catalogs since I love lilies. It is just lovely. It is wonderful to see some lilies in bloom again.

    1. Yes all is OK, thanks Lona. 'Eyeliner' is just such a spectacular thing. It's definitely a favourite of mine now. This is the first time I've grown it, and it's been a wonderful addition to the courtyard.

  9. What a beautiful garden to come home to...I have lily "Eyeliner" as well...

    1. First time growing 'Eyeliner' for me, and I'm now hooked. It really is quite lovely.

  10. Wonderful photographs, wonderful flowers. I am greeting

    1. Thanks for visiting ZielonaMila. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed your first visit.

  11. If i have those majestic blues, violets and those double petalled petunias, I will also get a bit upset if my internet is not working, hahaha! I wish i can also grow those petunias!

    1. It was hard going without my virtual garden blogging world. I've really enjoyed getting back into full swing today. Petunias are easy to grow here. What a shame you don't have luck with them there.

  12. That is so annoying when the Internet is down. I feel sorry for people trying to do business on the net as well as us bloggers. Your courtyard looks like a little bit of paradise. The first lily is a beauty with the black outline.

    1. Diane, we put up with not having mobile coverage here, but I have to say losing internet connection for a couple of weeks really gets my goat!! It was a problem with Telstra's exchange, which seems to be an on-going problem. I'm just so pleased to be able to get back online finally, and hopefully I won't have too many problems for another few months!

  13. Lovely photographs my garden is suffering from heat exhaustion at the moment.


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