
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wordless Wildlife Wednesday ... Double Trouble!

I'm joining Tina's Wordless Wednesday

and Wordless Wednesday


  1. Come and say hello, love your pictures of the loris. We are so lucky to have these beautiful birds, so full of clownishness and fun. Already nearly weekend again. I guess you are back at school as well. All the best T♥

    1. Titania, that's exactly what it was like. It seemed like the pair of Rainbow Lorikeets were asking for some company in the tree tops, and then they turned their backs on me!!!! Little rascals.

      Yes, I'm definitely back at school. Our first term only has a couple more weeks left and we get a break for Easter. I'm looking forward to that.

  2. Beautiful photos! you're lucky they let you take them!! I have heard that they pair for life...isn't that lovely!

    1. SportyMummy, this pair hung around in the Gum tree for quite some time so it was easy enough to get shots. Unfortunately my camera isn't good enough to zoom in close at things that far away. Still the shots turned out OK. I've also heard that they mate for life, and this pair could have been mates because they weren't with the flock.

  3. Love the last one. Two peas in a pod. They are so colourful but noisy.

  4. Great shots!
    Happy Wednesday to you!

  5. Great photos!
    Happy Wordless Wednesday!
    Lea's Menagerie
    Mississippi, USA

  6. Dear Bernie. A fascinating couple. Great shots, so close up. Beautiful birds. Could spend ages just looking at them, watching their ´play´. Are they nesting in your garden as well? Now, do they prefer a hole in a tree, or do they actually ´build´ a nest? Hmmm I´ll have to do with Magpies ...! :-D
    Wish you a nice weekend.
    Best regards, Iris.

  7. i have no words for this beauty! thanks for sharing with tina´s ww :)

  8. Is it just me, or do those two birds seem to be looking to stir up trouble?!

  9. These are so pretty, love the bright colors.


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