
Friday, March 9, 2012

Flower Flaunt Friday ... From A Fabulous Sub-Tropical Park, Part 2.

Yes I'm continuing the theme started last Flower Flaunt Friday ... here's part two.

Moving away from the Spectacle Garden at the Roma Street Parklands, let's take a look at what else was blooming as I wandered around the various other gardens in this inner city park.



 Another Brug


 Anigozanthos or Kangaroo Paw,


 Costus or Spiral Ginger,

Dichorisandra thrysiflora or Blue Ginger,

Mandevilla 'Red Riding Hood',


Costus speciosus or Crepe Ginger,

Medinilla magnifica,

Globba winitii,



 unknown Succulent,



and grasses were all blooming.

There were huge drifts of blooming Cannas and New Guinea Impatiens,

and lovely patches of flowering Angelonias as well.

For the final instalment of this series, next week I'll show just a few shots of the Bromeliad garden which was full of Broms in bloom ... a magical sight.

I'm joining Tootsie for Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers.

I'm also joining Nix for Floral Friday Fotos

Macro Flowers Saturday

and Weekend Flowers


  1. To wspaniałe móc oglądać kwiaty, które u nas prawie nie rosną w ogrodach. Dziękuję za te cudowne zdjęcia. Pozdrawiam. *** It's great to see the flowers that in our law does not grow in gardens. Thank you for these wonderful pictures. Yours.

    1. Giga, there is always such a wonderful array of flowers and plants at this park. It's fantastic to see them growing out in the gardens as they do in the wild.

  2. Beautiful! I bet the magnolia and brugs smelled so sweet! Those drifts of cannas and impatients are fabulous! The grevillea looks so interesting.

    1. I didn't notice the perfume of the Brugs, but I certainly did notice the Magnolia's sweet smell. The drifts of Canna and Impatiens looked far more fabulous in the garden than they do in my photo.

  3. Hi Bernie, lovely tropicals you posted. Those white costus are already growing wild in our property because of the discards i cut and throw long ago. By the way, is that Medinilla really a magnifica? I also posted the M magnifica today. I am not really familiar with their forms and cultivars, so i am asking, as yours is different from mine. I thought those I photographed are more magnificent, haha, but i also saw the one like yours in other gardens.

    1. Andrea, the white Costus is something I've been wanting to grow for a while. I need to get one soon. About the Medinilla ... the little sign posted nearby did say 'magnifica' so I guess it definitely is. I popped over to see your post and was interested to see how different yours was.

  4. Hi Bernie; a beautiful collection to admire, some are more familiar then others. Always great to see a beautiful park and also learn how to successfully mix and match. T♥

    1. Titania, that's the thing I enjoyed the most when I visited this time. The planting combinations were fabulous, especially in the shade garden underneath the enormous Rain Trees.

  5. What another wonderful series of shots, Bernie! It really does like a garden of Eden there...
    Thank you once again for participating in Floral Friday Fotos!

    1. Nix, only too pleased to join in your meme and share photos of this wonderful place.

  6. The garden beds are just gorgeous. I can only imagine (looking at my patch of weeds) how much maintenance that takes. I really like both the blue and crepe gingers, but also just love Tibouchina. I haven't seen that before, but I love the color!

    1. Curbstone, the Parklands has a little army of gardeners and caretakers. They also have a team of guides who can take you on guided walks around the park. I haven't taken one of those guided walks yet, but I might be tempted next time as I have stood back and listened in to a few of them and found them very informative. The Tibouchina was magnificent.

  7. I have enjoyed the gorgeous flowers you posted today and this garden is truly fabulous.

    1. Thanks for popping by Autumn Belle. I always enjoy visiting this park.

  8. Dear Bernie.
    G´day to you. I´m honestly so happy to be back, after my stay at hospital. It´s been a long month without Bush Bernie´s blog! Being able again, to scroll through your great garden blog, read, and enjoy all your beautiful photos, it is so wonderfull. Today´s exotic photos are just spectacular. I wish we had a City-garden like this one, you´ve been wandering through. To fill ones dreams with a garden like this, would be most wellcome ... sigh ...
    Thank you so much for sharing. Wish you a lovely weekend.
    Best regards, Iris DK.

    1. Iris, I do hope you're well on the road to recovery now that you're out of hospital. I'm glad my photos helped cheer you up and brighten your day a little. The Roma Street Parklands is indeed a magnificent place especially given that it's right in the middle of the city.

  9. Hi Bernie,
    wonderful flowers! I have this pics enjoyed!

    Have a great weekend,


  10. Hi Bernie,
    What a wonderful place Roma Street Park is. To have such stunning gardens to walk through every day must be heaven. For me this week the Hibiscus is my favourite the colour is just magnificent, and The sail with the flower pots hanging on it is lovely to. It's nice to see signs of life in my garden this week. Soon it will wake from it's winter slumber.
    Have a good weekend

    1. Sue, I've popped in to see your post and it's wonderful to see those signs of life once more. The Parklands are a fabulous spot that I try to visit whenever I go down to Brisbane. This particular trip was terrific as we stayed in the city and got to wander around the park every day of our long weekend. It was just terrific.

  11. WOW...
    Thank you for sharing your great pictures!!
    Love to come back to see more flowers from your great country.
    I envy you!!
    But my camellia are in bloom.
    Please take a look.

    1. Gisela, it's always a pleasure to share photos taken at the Parklands. It's always looking great. I will definitely go on over to see your Camellias in bloom.

  12. Oh dear I must really get there. The garden really is magnificent isn't it. Great photos Bernie.

    1. Missy, yes you must visit. I know the Zinnias display will be at its peak in a week or so and that alone would be worth seeing.

  13. I do not even know where to begin to comment! It is all so beautiful that it is almost overwhelming! I think that we all want to come to Australia tho :)

    1. Libby, we do live in a wonderful country. I know I'm an Aussie and a little biased, but I have no reservation in saying you must try to visit if it's at all possible.

  14. Exciting to see the new plants. Some are grown as potted plants in Sweden. But most of the plants you show pictures have I never seen. As an example, Kangaroo Paw, Grevillea and Costus. I wish you a wonderful weekend! Zinnia

    1. Zinnia, I only too pleased to share such beautiful plants and blooms. I know how wonderful it is to get to see plants that are unfamiliar.

  15. Wow what an awesome place - so beautiful. Interesting seeing the plants in your area that we cannot grow here. Have a nice weekend.

    1. Thanks Becca, hopefully the rain will abate long enough to allow me to get out into the garden this weekend.

  16. What a beautiful park! The flowers are amazing. Lovely photos. Thanks for sharing this beautiful part of the world.

    1. You're most welcome, Shirley. This place is worth sharing.

  17. Replies
    1. Modern Mom, thanks for your comment. I love your photos of Basil flowers.

  18. Everything is so beautiful! I am particularly drawn to the muted tangerine of that lovely! You definitely show the beauty of your garden and the other gardens around you. We are just now beginning to have blooms as spring nears. I am looking forward to blooms again...

    1. Sage Butterfly, the tangerine Hibiscus was the one that stood out and caught my eye. So it sounds like Spring is just around the corner for you now.

  19. Oh how beautiful Bernie.I can get my flower fix for the day from your posting. The Magnolia is so lovely. I adore the white blooms. The Blue Ginger is just so pretty. The Medinilla magnifica reminds me of Elderberries when they start to get berries on them. Those flowerbeds are so beautiful. I would love to walk in that park. What a wonderful garden you all have there.

    1. Lona, it was fabulous walking around this park. I could get a really decent flower fix myself as here at home the rainy weather makes the garden look a little dismal right now.

  20. Glad to see you popping by Tatjana. Thanks for leaving a comment.

  21. What a beautiful park. So many gorgeous blooms.

  22. Wow lovely flowers. Most of them I haven't seen in my entire life yet and I'm hoping to see some in a lovely garden as such. Thanks for sharing.

  23. I am just so happy to have the chance to visit here today!! OMG girl...this is absolutely gorgeous!!!!!! Wouldn't it be wonderful if we all could tour each friday's flaunting gardens together and in person? I would love it!
    I wish I had more time to visit all of my favorites everytime you post!
    Thank you so much for linking in and sharing your post with my party today!
    I have shared your post this week with the Tootsie Time Facebook page.
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

  24. They are so lovely! Most of them are commonly found here in my country and they bloom all year long.

  25. What an amazing display of flowers!

  26. thanks for bringing this wonderful garden to us! :)

  27. Beautiful selection of plants and flowers, and as usual, many which I haven't even heard of! Thanks for bringing a whiff of summer to us, we are more than ready for it here on the other side of the world ;-)

  28. Dear Bernie, Such lush plantings. And I love the long shots. P. x

  29. I felt the summer warmth looking at your beautiful photos.


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