
Friday, March 16, 2012

Flower Flaunt Friday ... On This Dreary Rainy Friday.

We've had almost non-stop rain now since the beginning of the month.  This is just La Nina reminding us that the 'wet' season is most certainly not over yet, even though Summer is over.  I don't think we've seen old man Sun this particular week since about Sunday ... most appropriate!

As I work every day, except Friday, the rain really doesn't bother me.  I know how much the garden needs the 'wet' season rain and so far this year, it's been tolerable heavy rainfall ... not that horrid violent and torrential stuff we sometimes get.  But when Friday rolls around and there's no chance of getting out into the garden, I get a little miffed! 

That's the case today.  It has not stopped raining since about 6.00 am this morning, and it looks set in for the entire day.  So, unfortunately I can't share too much of what's blooming this Friday except what I can see from the verandah or from inside the house.

There's always Hibiscus blooms visible from the verandah, right next to spot where I sit and enjoy my morning cuppa.

At the bottom of the verandah stairs it's possible to spot some Ixora and Mussaenda blooms.  Note too, the fungi growing on the stairway railings.  That will give you an idea of just how much rain we've been receiving.

From the back verandah it's possible to spot the Torenia, Angelonia and Gomphrena flowers on the courtyard garden table, and the pots of Salvia in the background.  The view is a little obscured by all those container plants though.

They usually sit under the eaves that you can see on either side of the courtyard, and often miss out on the raindrops that fall during our wet season.  This morning though, I had the chance to drag some of them out so they could enjoy a refreshing shower.

From inside the house I can look out onto the shadehouse garden and, if I look carefully, I can spot Dragonwing Begonia blooms, some Impatiens flowers, a few Costus productus blooms, a Dendrobium Orchid in bloom, and my beautiful Hedychium coronarium which is showing it first flowers for the year.

In case you missed some of these, here are a couple of shots I took yesterday when I braved the light showers to get photos of the lovely Orchid flower and white Ginger flower.  It's bucketing down too heavily for me to go out there today.

Well, that's it for today.  I plan to stay high and dry inside for the rest of the afternoon.  It's been great weather for ducks ... not so great for wallabies.

I'm joining Tootsie for her Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers meme.


  1. Dearest Bernie.
    I´m so amazed by the vigorous growth in your garden. It shows me how much hard work you´ve put into it, and having a huge interest too.
    Really got inspired, also by your hanging baskets. They´re new to my garden, so I might ´borrow´ your idea! A couple on my terrasse might look quite nice i think. - Love your white ginger flowers. Best regards and best wishes for a nice weekend. Iris.

    1. Iris, the rains have brought on a lot of lush growth in a short time. It's hard work keeping up with the weeding that's needed right now. Those hanging baskets are not looking their best at the moment. They've all had a trim back and need a good feed, but with all the rain at the moment fertilizing would be a waste of time. All the goodness would be washed our pretty quickly.

  2. I hope the rain stopped for a while so you could spend some time in the garden.
    It’s so frustrating when you only have a couple of days to get out and enjoy pottering around the garden and it rains. Just think of all the goodness its doing to your lovely garden. Then again you could send it our way we are under threat of having a drought order here. Neighbouring parts of the south of England already have them. It’s becoming quite serious. I am rethinking my planting scheme to drought tolerant planting.
    Hope tomorrow brings some sunshine have a good weekend

    1. No, Sue, the rain continued all day and night. It's nearly 10.00 pm and there's still some light raining falling. The heavy stuff seems to have taken a break tonight though. We'll see if the sun can be found tomorrow. It's so strange hearing about drought over there. That's not something I'd ever associate with your part of the world. It's common enough here, but seems out of place in England. Drought tolerant planting is a whole new world.

  3. Dear Bernie ~ It always is disappointing to not be able to work in our gardens when we so look forward to it. I love seeing your gardens through sunshine and rain. I loved the photo from inside your home looking out into the shadehouse garden. Your orchid and white ginger blooms are so delicately lovely.

    Love and hugs to you ~ FlowerLady

    1. G'day Flowerlady. I don't mind the rain, but not when it just goes on and on for days or weeks on end without let-up. I get a little down at not being able to wander around the garden. The forecast for this coming weekend doesn't look any better either. Well I suppose it is the wet season!

  4. I just love seeing pictures of your beautiful garden even in the rain. Those views are slightly different than I've seen too.

    Imagining that wallaby going uphill in the mud is pretty funny.

  5. Even the rain looks lovely with all of the flowers and greenery. We seem to have skipped winter and spring and jumped into summer, around eighty again today. I am concerned though if it turns cold again with everything leafed out.


  6. All of the views shown here are beautiful! Just beautiful!!

  7. Hi Bernie. I love the view out onto your shade house garden. Looks so lush. You have so many plants on your verandah. The white Ginger is just beautiful. Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. Oh my gosh, Bernie! That white Ginger Flower just took my breath away. Just incredible! Those views from your home are worth a million. :) (the steady rains - not for the faint of heart!)

  9. Your garden even looks beautiful in the rain. lovely calming views from your deck and through your window. I don't know how you find time to work and look after so many plants.

  10. The orchid is so pretty, and you have such lovely tropical garden views from your house!

  11. Thanks for sharing your rainy garden. It looks so lush! I enjoyed the visit. ~~Rhonda

  12. WOW ! My friend Bernie - so nice to see your yard again - it is truly amazing! thanks for sharing this week, Paula in Idaho

  13. I always think that the hardwood table is a waste to be used as flower bench. I want to get it for my covered areas, and replace them with cheaper tables, haha!

  14. Your garden is so pretty Bernie! Have you missed me? Spent an interesting week in ICU and the hospital. Home and hopefully on the mend.

    1. Jean, it sounds like you've had a hard week or so. I hope everything is OK. I'm so used to you popping in to comment every week, that I had been wondering where you were. It's great to hear that you are back home. Here's hoping you make a quick recovery and that all goes well in the future. Thinking of you.

  15. You have a very beautiful garden! The rain actually complements the refreshing greenery around you. Being in the lawn maintenance Phoenix industry, it is indeed essential to have plants in the property. Nothing beats coming home to a lovely home with an inviting outdoor space nearby.


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