
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Twelve Days Of Christmas ... the Ninth Day.

Continuing the 'Twelve Days Of Christmas' photo series showing sights from around my place this year.

On the ninth day of Christmas my true love sent to me ...

... nine Sunbirds perching.

To catch up with the previous posts, just scroll down and find 'The Twelve Days Of Christmas' in the 'Labels' sidebar.


  1. Love the photographs of your backyard birds. How lovely to have such jewels in your midst. Cheers for a wonderful Holiday and prosperous New Year. Lori from the Jarvis House

  2. Dear Bernie. Such pretty birds, so colourful.
    Love your version of ´The twelve days of christmas´. Looking forward for tomorrow ...
    Best regards, Iris.

  3. Which plants are they on? Hibiscus and ??

  4. Elephant's Eye, the other red bloom is the flower of the Combretum constrictum.


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