
Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Twelve Days Of Christmas ... the Tenth Day.

Continuing my 'Twelve Days Of Christmas' photo series showing sights from around my place throughout this year.

On the tenth day of Christmas my true love sent to me ...

... ten Lorikeets feasting. 

(Scaly-breasted Lorikeet at the top, and the Rainbow Lorikeet on the bottom).

To catch up with the previous posts, just scroll down and find 'The Twelve Days Of Christmas' in the 'Labels' sidebar.


  1. :-)

    Thank you for these 12 days of Christmas photos.


  2. I am loving the 12 days of Christmas.

  3. Beautiful 12 day series, Bernie. I don't know the scaly one, but very well know the rainbow lorikeets. They kept me company in front of the window while in the lab of the CSIRO, North Ryde, especially during weekends when nobody was around. I kept on thinking that their songs are for me! Happy Christmas Bernie.

  4. Oh, I love them. They are just the most colorful birds.

  5. What beautiful and exotic bird neighbors you have there Bernie! Gorgeous!


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