
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Twelve Days Of Christmas ... the Eighth Day.

Continuing my 'Twelve Days Of Christmas' photo series showing some of the sights around my place this year.

On the eighth day of Christmas my true love sent to me ....

.... eight moths a-resting.

To catch up with the previous posts, just scroll down and find 'The Twelve Days Of Christmas' in the 'Labels' sidebar.


  1. The moths are actually quite pretty and they seem to be wearing batik skirts and sarongs. Have a blessed Christmas, Bernie!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes they certainly are pretty, Autumn Belle. I think we often overlook just how beautiful moths can be. Wishing you a happy Christmas as well!

  4. Bernie here we have one called Luna moth. A huge beautiful light green creature.I think an Emperor moth as well. They are so beautiful and usually a surprise to see.

  5. Those are wonderful shots of moths. I think they have their own loveliness.


  6. What a lovely array of moths Bernie. I have been enjoying your 12 days of Christmas postings even though I do not comment every day. The blue moth is so amazing looking.

  7. Isn't it fascinating how much diversity we find, when we take time to look?


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