
Monday, December 19, 2011

Twelve Days Of Christmas ... the Seventh Day.

More of my 'Twelve Days Of Christmas' photo series showing some of the sights around my place this year.

On the seventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me ...

... seven black Cockatoos.

(male and female Red-tailed Black Cockatoos)

To catch up with the previous posts, just scroll down and find 'The Twelve Days Of Christmas' in the 'Labels' sidebar.

I'm joining Mosaic Monday today.


  1. Oh, wow! I never seen a black cockatoos. Only the white ones. They are pretty, great photos and mosaic. Have a great week and Merry Christms!

  2. Oh! how beautiful! Looking forward to the 8th day. Have a wonderful week!! Cathy

  3. Beautiful birds. Just as black as our Crows but with beautiful colourful detail in their feathers. Merry Christmas Bernie. V

  4. Oh, they are beautiful! Merry Christmas, Bernie! xoxo

  5. I didn't know they came in black!!! Great imgages!!! Merry Christmas from TN.

  6. Oh I love those seven blak Cockatoos. One of my friends is originally from Australlia. She was just telling me about Christmas there. How that often you would celebrate on the beach and how she liked her turkey cold because it was too warm for a hot meal. Merry Christmas to you in the bush.

  7. Bernie, You find the most exotic birds and flowers...I always look forward to visiting your blog! Merry Christmas!

  8. Thanks one and all. Yes our stunning Red-tailed Black Cockatoos are indeed this brilliant jet black colour, although the females ... seen on the two top right and the bottom left shots ... have those yellow speckles as well.

    Jann, yes your friend is indeed correct. There are many Aussie families and groups that enjoy Christmas Day on the beach, and we do have a few cold meats for our festive dinner as well as things like prawns and bugs.

  9. I never seen a black!
    Have a wonderful week and a wonderful Christmas!

  10. Beautiful exotic birds.
    Merry christmas , Marit.

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am sorry I have not been around much lately. Hope to catch up with you and your renewed gardens after the beginning of the year. Not so much holiday things but working in the garden before it gets too cold.

    I am loving your 12 days of Christmas. Beautifully done. Hope all is well with you and yours. Merry Christmas.

  12. Bernie do the black ones make as much noise as the white cockatoos? I did not see the black ones while there but flocks of the whites in trees. Now those would get your attention fast. I decided then and there I never wanted a cockatoo!
    The black ones are quite striking arent they?

  13. Bernie, it's always to visit with you. BLACK Cockatoos! Who knew?!!! Learned something new today. Looking forward to Day 8! :D :D

  14. Gorgeous birds. Have a very merry Christmas down under.

  15. Those are some beauties! Merry Christmas~

  16. Thanks Markus, Marit and Flowerlady.

    Thank you Tufa Girl, it was great to hear from you. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas and festive season as well.

    Jean, yes most certainly the black Cockatoos make as much noise as the white. We have both sorts here so sometimes the noise can be a little annoying if they both happen to be around at the same time!!!!

    Snap, Lorrie and Mary, thank you for dropping by to 'see' these beautiful birds.

    Cathy, yes these birds are often spotted in the trees around my place.

  17. Can't wait to se what comes next. Hope you're enjoying your holiday.

  18. Stunning photos! Did you know Diana of Elephants Eye has a "Twelve Days of Christmas" meme?

    I'm off to see your other posts on this :)

  19. I love the black cockies too, they visit my yard and are so quiet and I love trying to photograph them, the ones I see have yellow markings in subtropical Queensland

  20. Beautiful mosaic Bernie. I hope you have a wonderful holiday.


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