
Monday, December 12, 2011

Mosaic Monday ... The Colours Of Christmas.

Now I know for some the idea of Christmas during Summer seems quite wrong.  I'm thinking, of course, of our fellow northern hemispherian gardeners.  Here in the tropics though, we know no different.  No snow, no chilly weather and no fires crackling.  There's most certianly none of that.  Instead, we're making mince pies while we bake in 36 deg C heat, and wrapping presents while the scorching sun blazes in the sky outside.  There's definitely no white Christmas here.

Those differences aside, we do however share common Christmas colours.  The red, the green and the gold.  Of course, we don't just see those colours inside our houses.  They are not only present on the Christmas decorations, these colours are present in our gardens and surround through our Summer and Christmas.

While red might evoke visions of blazing flames and Santa's suit for most ... for us the sight of the red Poinciana blooms means Christmas as well!!!

While green is the colour of the mistletoe that hangs from the door frame in many homes, we see green in the Caladium leaves that have risen from their dormancy.

While gold is the colour of the Christmas star, we see golden yellow flowers on the Cassia fistula trees that are blooming in almost every yard and on almost every sidewalk at this time of year..

While red might evoke visions of red holly berries, we are greeted with the sight of the red flower spikes on the Callistemon shrubs that are still in bloom during summer.

While green is the colour of the Christmas trees brought into houses all over the world, we see green all around us as we gaze upon the leaves of the many Gum trees growing in the bushland that surrounds us.

 While gold is the colour of Christmas tinsel,  there's bright golden yellow blooms on the Allamanda vines growing in our garden beds or climbing over our fences.

Now I don't want to leave out my favourite colour ... white!  Of course, while the ground here is not covered in layers of white snow and there are no pretty white snowflakes falling from the heavens, there's lots of white flowers on show all throughout the festive season.

So enjoy your Christmas wherever you may be in the world.  Whether you're rugged up and snoozing in front of a fire ... or sitting around in shorts and t-shirt under a shady tree on a beach ... Here's to a happy festive season!

For loads of fantastic Mosaic Monday posts, go and visit Mary at  Mosaic Monday.


  1. I am so looking foward to my Cassia Fistula blooming for the first time

  2. Beautiful Christmas colours Bernie. I'll be thinking of you in the hot sun baking mince pies while I'm battling gale force winds and lashing rain our forecast for this week is bad. We are expecting winds in excess of 100mph in some areas including mine:0(
    I love the yellow Alamanda and all your white flowers.
    Have a great week.

  3. What a great snowman ;-)
    Have a wonderful week,

  4. Bernie, I would be happy to share my 25F temps this morning with you. Shall I get out my large fan? Had an old friend in Brizzy...who always reported what they had for Christmas dinner. Prawns were usually in it but nothing like we have here in Tennessee.Enjoying your garden so much and loved Australia when I visited some years ago.

  5. Love all of your Christmas colors Bernie. I think we are going to have a warm Christmas here in s.e. FL, USA.

    Christmas is in our hearts no matter where we live.

    Enjoy your Christmas with all of those glorious blooms.


  6. I like your southern hemisphere Christmas colors! Especially those whites, so snowy, pristine, and pure. Very festive, very appropriate for the season, who needs cold and snow?

  7. Bernie, what a wonderful post! I love your Christmas colors. I'll admit it's hard to fathom Christmas celebrations with no frosty temps..but Your Christmas colors are gorgeous and cannot compare with tinsel and paper chains. The Poinciana blooms are particularly stunning! Wishing you a very Happy Holiday Season! Cheers, Jenni

  8. I had to laugh at that snowman. LOL! How cute. I love all of those white blooms in the garden Bernie.The Peace lily and Rose are so pure looking and lovely.

  9. Hi Bernie, I love your Christmas colors and your flowers are just gorgeous. I would like to be on the beach with that snowman right now. Beautiful flowers and mosaics. Have a wonderful week!

  10. we certainly have a different Christmas downunder than they do in the northern hemisphere Bernie. Ah - wishing for a white Christmas one day.
    You had the same idea I had for posting this week on Mosaic Monday - the colours of Christmas in the trees around my area - so beautiful this time of year.
    Beautiful mosaic Bernie - you have some of the same flowers in your garden as I do.
    Have a wonderful week - take care - and have a lovely Christmas.

  11. Cathy, you won't be disappointed when you see that first spectacular raceme of yellow flowers. I had no idea it would grow in Israel but I'm not surprised as it's such a great choice for a hot dry climate.

    Sueb, stay safe and snug inside. I've heard it's been pretty bad with the winds whipping up!

    Markus, that snowman is a treat isn't it?

    Jean, just a little whiff our way would be much appreciated. You'll probably need a monstrous fan or two! Yes we have prawns for our Christmas dinner too. They're pretty much a staple for our family.

    Flowerlady, enjoy your warmer than usual Christmas, while we bake and sizzle over here.

    Laurrie, the whites are fantastic to see at this time of year. They definitely add a special touch when it's so hot and horrible out there.

    Jenni, thanks so much! The Poincianas are indeed spectacular at this time of year.

    Lona, the whites are just so refreshing to see.

    Thanks Eileeninmd! The beach is not too bad, as long as your gone by mid-morning otherwise you'd be looking like a lobster!

    Jill, lol, I had just popped in to visit your latest post and found your take on the colours of Christmas. Fantastic photos! Brilliant colours.

  12. Dear Bernie.
    Can´t imagine myself dressed up in shorts, sitting in front of the Barbeque on Christmas Eve. However, when our weather gets rough, like this December, rain and STORM I´d prefer your Aussie temperature. Gosh, 36 0 C, our temp. would never reach that, not even during our hottest summer .....!
    Windblown, but warm wishes for a lovely day.

  13. Just LOVE the "sandman"!!! Have a wonderful day!!! Cathy

  14. The sandman gave me a good laugh! I've never seen one before this evening.


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