
Friday, December 9, 2011

Flower Flaunt On This Early Summer's Friday.

December is early Summer here and there's blue sky as far as the eye can see.   Nothing surprising there!

But what a lovely surprise I found this morning when I ventured out to trim back the rather unruly Salvia madrensis.

Yes, out I went, braving the scorching heat and sultry conditions on this early summer's morning, in order to do some much needed trimming back and this is what I found after beating the Salvia into submission.

Isn't it beautiful?  I vaguely remember planting a couple of things around the Salvia last year, but had promptly forgotten all about them.  The Salvia has really been a tour-de-force in this little area of the tiered garden bed and I just hadn't taken much notice of the other plants around it.

Now I'm not sure, but I think it's a Hemerocalis.  What do you think?  Whatever it is, I just adore the double blooms of this beauty.

Another surprise waiting for me this morning as I strolled around the place, was the sight of the first racemes on the Cassia fistula or Golden Shower Tree growing beside the hill driveway.  I was despairing of seeing it bloom at all this year, as all the other Cassias in the neighbourhood have been in full bloom for weeks now, but my poor specimen was still in dry season mode with almost no leaves and definitely no flowers.

But, here they are at last ... and there are more buds to open in the coming weeks.

The white Mussaenda, Mussaenda philippica 'Aurore', also growing beside the hill driveway, has recovered from its trim back and has thrown out the first white bracts and orange star-shaped flowers.

The Duranta repens growing in the garden bed at the back of the courtyard garden is blooming for the first time.

The potted Duranta repens 'Geisha Girl' out in the courtyard garden is also blooming.

I have several Murraya paniculatas growing around the place.  There's a huge one growing beside the hill driveway, one in a pot out on the courtyard and two growing in the downstairs Pentas garden bed.  All are flowering at the moment and they have the most heavenly sweet fragrance.

The potted Cleome spinosa 'Senorita Rosalita' out in the courtyard also has a fragrance, but it's not so sweet.   It's quite hard to describe really ... more like uumm ... insect repellent!  Well, fragrance aside, this plant has been flowering non-stop for months now and the sight of those spider flowers always cheers me up.  I just love the lilac purple.

I also love white flowers in the garden and out in the courtyard there are blooms on both the

Tabernaemontana corymbosa 'Sweet Love'

and the Wrightia antidysenterica 'Arctic Snow'.

"Arctic Snow?  Where?" said the Pheasant Coucal to the human.

"What snow?' asked the Kookaburra, intrigued!

"Oh, she's just plain nuts1" replied the Sunbird.

"Yeah, nutty as that fruit cake in the pantry!"  agreed the Pale-headed Rosella.

OK, it may be December, but the snow is a long, long way away from here.  Today we're sweltering in 36 deg C (96 F) heat and the humidity is nothing short of awesome ... up over 70% today!  There's been no sign of any more rain after the delightful falls we received over the past weekend. 

I'm dreaming of jetting off to some far off spot where my extremities might become as blue as the sky outside.  I swear I can see a big jumbo jet in that cloud formation out there ... enticing me with thoughts of frost on the grass and icicles on the windows!

"Come on, snap out of it woman!  Let's get back to flaunting some flowers, OK?"

Whoops ... let's see ...

... oh yes, the Gomphrenas are putting on a fabulous display.

There's another gorgeous Dahlia showing its face ...

... and the Zinnia 'Mambo Pinks' are strutting their stuff.

The wonderfully perfumed Plumeria rubra flowers are a welcome sight ...

... and Hemerocallis 'Shocking' can't be ignored!

I'm joining Skywatch Friday today.

I'm also joining Tootsie for her Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers meme,

Floral Friday Fotos,


  1. Beautiful skies and magnificent flora and fauna, Bernie.
    Don't forget to link your post to:

    Thanks for participating (and the great FFF thumbnail!)

  2. Thanks for the reminder, NIx. I had completely forgotten to link in on your blog, duh! I'm only too pleased to join in your meme. I can never get enough of great flower photos!

  3. Lovely lovely blue sky! In denmark a hurricane-like storm is driving us up the wall, at the moment. My, is it terrible, but rather typical for the season.
    Once again you share your gorgeous photos with us. So good to see on a day like this. THANKS.
    Have a nice weekend.

  4. Stunning Blue skies and such heavenly flowers to swoon over when its dark cold and very wet. I know exactly where to come for a flower fix.
    The Plumeria rubra is gorgeous. If only it would grow in my garden...sigh!
    My day is going to be filled with decorating the house for Christmas. First, I going to the market to buy some flowers as my garden am in hibernation mode!
    Have a good weekend.

  5. You have such a great variety of flowers. They're all beautiful, but the birds are even more so.
    I think the forecast here is for it to warm up but more rain is on the way. We're heading up to Cairns to visit the grandkids next weekend. We're driving this time so will be in Townsville next Sunday night. I'm hoping the weather's fine for the drive.

  6. oh Bernie, i can fully relate to how you feel because our summer is like yours, 36C but maybe our RH is higher than yours, so we feel more sticky and can't go out much unless we will go to the beach. I envy your hemerocallis, because the seeds sent by my US blogger friend did not germinate. I am hopeful earlier that i will be producing just like yours because i agreed to have those seeds when i saw yours thriving on almost same climate as ours. Can you still languish wonderfully in your terrace rocking chair in that heat?

  7. Thanks Iris. It sounds like you're getting some wild and woolly weather at the moment. I do so hope everything is okay where you are. So glad you could drop by.

    Sueb, yes there's plenty of blue skies around here at the moment. No sign of any more rain for a while unfortunately. I bet you found some lovely flowers at the market.

    Missy, you will probably have a dry run. No rain forecast around here for a little while it seems. Enjoy your stay in Cairns with your grandchildren. It's a shame you're arriving in Townsville at night, otherwise we could have arranged a cuppa at our slightly dishevelled and messy building site!!!

    Andrea, it's not much fun going outdoors here either at the moment. What a shame about those Hemercallis seeds. That would be a disappointment for you. Yes I'm able to languish on the vernadah in the early evenings after the sun's gone down. It gets a little cooler then.

  8. Oh Wow, I am really envious of your warm days and pretty flowers. Your sky is a beautiful blue. Love the cute birds, wonderful photos. Have a great weekend and happy skywatching!

  9. Dear Bernie ~ What a delightful post, filled with beautiful flowers, birds and butterflies. You definitely live in a part of paradise.

    I don't envy you your heat and humidity. We're in our comfortable, lovely time of year hear and we are enjoying it. We do wish it was a little cooler though.

    Have a lovely Christmas season.


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  11. Looking good, Bernie. I wish you moderate rain and absolutely no wind for this summer!

    They're all gorgeous blossoms, but I have a particular soft spot for the Plumeria and Mussaenda. Up here, the flame trees are still going strong in town and are looking stunning against the overcast skies.

  12. Thanks Eileen, we are seeing a lot of bright blue skies at the moment.

    Flowerlady, enjoy your lovely comfortable time of year. I'll be pining away for our lovely comfortable Autumn through Spring!

    Giga, I'm glad you enjoyed all the blooms today.

    Snail, thank you, that's exactly what I want for this summer! I can imagine just how spectacular those Flame Trees look!

  13. What a flaunt!

    I don't want your heat and humidity, but frost on the grass and ice on the windows is not what I want either (I have both this morning). I just want to be surrounded by some of those beautiful flowering plants you show.

  14. Oh, so many pretties! I agree that is a Hemerocallis. Duranta makes a great summer garden plant and a wonderful indoor plant for the winter here. Tiny cuttings start blooming right away.

  15. is so gorgeous there!!!! I still can't get over that you are having summer when I am in the midst of sub zero temps and winter driving!!!!
    I thank you so much for linking in this week. It is an honor to host Friday's Flaunt and meet new friends and visit the regulars (who are like old friends) who share. I am always excited to tour each post and see the different flowers/ projects and garden art that everyone flaunts. It is a pleasure to tour and see all the gorgeous blooms...and I appreciate each and every link and comment! I have shared your post today with my facebook page for Tootsie Time. I hope you will link in again soon!
    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

  16. what a wonderful collection of pictures! thanks for sharing with weekend flowers :)

  17. Hi Bernie,
    I think your surprise daylily is a kwanso daylily. My grandmother bought one tuber about 50 years ago and its been in our family ever since. They spread like crazy and are one of my favorites. I very much enjoy looking at your beautiful flowers and admire your "green thumb".

  18. Thanks for all the natural beauty that you share with us.

  19. Bernie you have such beautiful and exotic flowers to us here in the southern USA. We had a really hot summer this year and the only way to work in the garden was early morning. I didn't have any hungry wallabies munching on my plants tho. So enjoy all your pictures. Its 48F here right now so you know I would love to see your green grass and feel the heat.

  20. Laurie, I'll keep posting flower photos so you can get your fix during the dreary winter days.

    Nelljean, yes thanks I was sure it was a Hemerocallis. I only vaguely remember planting it though. Thanks for the tip on the Durantas too.

    Tootsie, yes summer is definitely here. Can't you hear me moaning?

    Tina, I'm only too pleased to join in with your meme. It's great to see flowers from all over the world.

    Lisa, I'll have to google Kwonso Daylily. If that's what it is, I'll only be too happy to let it spread wherever it might like.

    You're very welcome Anastasia. It's always great to know my photos bring some delight.

    Jean, oh if I could share the heat right now I'd be on it! It's the same here in the summer. I can only get out into the garden in the early morning before the sun has risen too high, and in the evening when the sun has set. Otherwise, I'd be feeling rather sizzled!

  21. Bernie, As a cold climate gardener, I must admit I'm a bit envious! What color and beauty you have in your garden. I always enjoy seeing plants that are different than what we grow here, for example, the trees with the red and the yellow blooms - which are stunning, by the way!
    Hugs, Beth

  22. A stunning collection from your garden. Beautiful bird captures.

    Over from weekend flowers

  23. Very beautiful shots:)


  24. Hi Bernie. It was such a treat to come to your posting this morning and look at all of the beautiful flowers and birds. The new double lily is just so pretty. I just adore the Mussaenda. How beautiful. The touch of orange upon the white bracts are stunning.
    Thank you for your warm thoughts and comments on my story about my Mom. I appreciate them so much.
    Have a wonderful weekend and thank you.

  25. Hello Bernie,
    wonderful pictures, thank you for sharing!!
    - Cheers from Canada.

    "What a desolate place would be a world without a flower! It would be a face without a smile, a feast without a welcome. Are not flowers the stars of the earth, and are not our starts the flowers of the heaven."
    - A.J. Balfour

  26. What a find , Bernie! It seems to be a double hemerocallis.All your flowers and birds are beautiful. I recently bought a Wrightia, which the nurseryman called "SriLanka Jasmine".Thanks for for the right name!Your Murraya is flowering so profusely- mine gives only a flower or two. Should the plant be pruned?

  27. I love all your photos of the beautiful flowers! They can be found here in Singapore too, and bloom all year long due to our tropical heat.

  28. wow, what a pretty blooms you got there! they are lovely!

  29. Everything looks so green and lush and all the flowers are gorgeous. I love the pretty Geisha Girl. This is a nice change of pace for those of us in the cold north. We have fog and -5C right now with snow coming soon.

  30. Beth, yes we get blooms all year round here but we miss out on the seasonal changes you enjoy in your part of the world. I find cold climate gardening blogs just as interesting!

    Nadege and Firas, thanks for visiting and I'm glad to hear you enjoyed your first visit.

    Ewa, I actually spend most of Summer wishing it would end!

    Modern Mom, thanks for dropping by.

    Lona, yes that white Mussaenda is certainly very eye-catching and I do love it so.

    Guild-rez, you're most welcome!

    Lotusleaf, I'm dropping by your blog to answer your question.

    Jama, yes we are so lucky to have such wonderful year-round bloomers, aren't we?

    Venus, I'm glad you enjoyed the display of blooms this week.

    Squirrel Queen. yes the surrounds are starting to look a little more green and lush now that the showers of rain have come. Here it's just plain sticky and stinking hot! The air-cons are getting a real workout at the moment.

  31. this post is a veritable feast to the senses. the flowers are all amazingly gorgeous.

  32. What flora and fauna I am going to enjoy looking at them.

  33. Bernie, this is such an impressive series of photographs that would brighten up anyone's day. I love them all, thank you!

  34. Your garden seems like paradise compared to min in the driest state of our continent. Wonderful lush flowering plants you offer us today.

  35. Very amusing post. Nice to know it's warm and sunny with wonderful birds and flowers somewhere.

  36. summer flowers Information is relevant and totally up to date.


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