
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Twelve Days Of Christmas ... The First Day.

I thought of a great way to use many of the photos I've been taking of the sights around my place throughout this year  ... a 'Twelve Days Of Christmas'  photo series.  Now I know that the twelve days don't really begin until Christmas Day, but I'll be away from from computer and the internet for the period between Christmas Eve and New Year's Day ... so I thought I would begin this series today and then post a photo per day until Christmas.

So here's the very first photo for my north-east Australian version of  'The Twelve Days Of Christmas'.

On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me ....

a Coucal in a Gum Tree.

Feel free to join in and post some of your own photos!

I'm joining Our World Tuesday with this post today.


  1. Great picture Bernie. Loved the sandman in the previous post.:)

  2. Great idea Bernie, love learning about your unusual birds and plants.


  3. A great shot Bernie. I loved the bird. Your picture seems a painting.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. What a magnificent bird Bernie. I really must get up to Q'lnd again.

  5. Wow Bernie, that is a very good Christmas present on your first day! I can't imagine the rest of the days. Kidding aside that is a very beautiful coucal, we only have the brown and the rare white form, which i luckily shot one morning when i was on the way to see the sunrise! I thought coucals don't just slight on very open spaces. I really love its pose.

  6. A fine looking bird in your gum tree!

  7. What a stunning shot!

  8. What a beautiful bird Bernie! I remember waking up to the unusual sounds there and trying to figure out just what was making the sound! I was enthralled by it all and was totally blown away by the wattle trees. Here we pay big bucks in the floral industry for one small bag of blooms and here were trees full of it. Floriade was amazing too.

  9. What beautiful feathers and tail feathers this bird has. A fantastic bird.

  10. Such a beautiful pattern on this bird's feathers! And love the fan of the tail!

  11. Thanks everyone for your comments. It's great to know there are a few people who will enjoy the photos coming up. It's a plesure to share the extraordinary wildlife that I get to see in my corner of the world.

  12. You are so fortunate with your wonderful wildlife in your garden! What a stunning photo of the Coucal!


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