
Monday, November 7, 2011

Mosaic Monday ... They Never Promised Me A Rose Garden

When I first began working at my present school, there was no mention of gardening chores or rose garden tending.  Not once during the interview did I hear the words 'rose garden' spoken!  But, here I am ... I've become the Rose Garden caretaker.  Upon moving into my present classroom, with the school's only rose garden just outside the doors, I became the rose garden carer by default.  Having never planted, grown or cared for Roses ever during my gardening lifetime, I was a little daunted by the task.

However, I'm pleased to say the little Rose garden is coming along very nicely.  It seems to have fully recovered from the very heavy wet season we had at the beginning of the year, which left most of the bushes looking rather sick and unhealthy.

Most of the bushes have been blooming away brilliantly over the last couple of Spring months and hopefully will continue putting on their fabulous display at least until the end of this school year ... which is now only five weeks away!  I'm pleased to say that many people who wander down the pathway outside my classroom comment on the gorgeous Roses ... and a few even stop to smell the Roses!

I'm joining Mosaic Monday today, and I would encourage you to go on over and take a look!

I'm also joining Today's Flowers with this post.


  1. Isn´t it just wonderful when you succeed with something, one has never tried doing before. I think it is and You´ve done a great job. The roses are absolutely gorgeous, look smashing. I adore roses. One hard thing is, to keep the leaves beautiful as well, keeping away diseases and harmful insects, however, yours look good and healthy. Great to see your school.
    Best regards, Iris.
    And thanks for telling the name of the ´Geisha´girl´.

  2. What a delightful way to enter your classroom. So pretty. V

  3. You rose garden is just wonderful! What a beautiful variety! Have a grand week! Cathy

  4. Well, I think you are a master rose gardener! What a pretty mosaic -- thanks so much for sharing, Bernie! xoxo

  5. Beautiful roses! What a treat!

  6. I can almost smell them!! Your rose pictures are just beautiful!

  7. Your words made me smile. You never planted a rose in your lifetime but look at your garden the flowers are so pretty. I think they knew you have a green thumb when they hired you, hehe. Happy Monday!

    Mosaic Monday

  8. Yes Iris, you're so right about feeling very pleased when you succeed at something you've never tried before. I think so far I've just been very lucky that I've had some great advice.

    Valerie, it certainly is a lovely thing to have a rose garden just outside the classroom doors.

    Cathy, thanks for your lovely comment once again. It's always lovely when you drop by.

    Mary, I'm don't think I've quite earned the master gardener tag just yet, but it's been great learning along the way.

    Thanks, Snap.

    Susan, the perfume that wafts into the classroom sometimes is just beautiful.

    Kim, it's a work in progress. So far, so good. We'll see how green the thumb is as the years roll by!

  9. Hi Bernie. Well your rosegarden is de lovely and yielded a gorgeous mosaic! Obviously your green fingers are good for roses as


  10. What a wonderful rose-garden!
    Have a nice week,

  11. How dreamy and diving to have a rose garden on the school property. It is almost too wonderful to be true...though I know you would not kid us :-) I am glad the are the master rose gardener by default. I cannot imagine anyone better qualified to learn to do it. You must be doing everything right because the flowers are beautiful. genie

  12. What ever you’re doing, you’re doing it right! Lovely healthy looking roses. It must be lovely to look out onto the rose garden form your classroom.

  13. By the way Happy Birthday hunnie x

  14. I'm reading a book just now on the history of roses - what fascinating plant to learn about Bernie and it must be so nice to stand at your classroom window and view that rosebed.

  15. How lovely, Bernie! Growing roses always intimidated me. The most bold I've ever gotten was "Knockout Roses" - the first attempt: not too good. We are going for round 2; we'll see how it goes?

  16. I am not one for doing roses even though I have some that are no fail. The school garden is coming along with beautiful rose blooms. You must have the touch.

  17. You've done a great job with the roses, Bernie. I thought it would be really hard to grow them where you are because of the humidity causing disease, so you get extra points for pulling them through!

  18. The roses are gorgeous and well cared for - a delight to the eyes.
    As -rose garden tenderer by default- you have done well!


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