
Friday, November 11, 2011

Flower Flaunt Friday ... On This Remembrance Day.

It's Remembrance Day here in Australia.  At 11.00 am on the 11th day of the 11th month, the country stops to observe one minute's silence to remember all those who have fallen in the line of duty.  The red poppy has become a familiar emblem of this special day and whilst there are no poppies growing in my garden, I thought I would share some of the red blooms that are on show out in my garden today.

Hemerocallis 'Velvet Eyes'


Bougainvillea and Delonix regia

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Hemerocallis 'Rue Madelaine'

Rosebud Pelargonium

Hemerocallis 'Jamaican Midnight'

 Lest we forget! 

For lots of terrific flower flaunt posts, visit Tootsie for her Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers  meme.


  1. Love the stunning reds! Nothing flaunts like crimsons and scarlets.

  2. You have some stunning red daylilies! I especially like Velvet Eyes. Have a nice weekend!
    Blessings, Beth

  3. Hi Bernie, I have always been looking at your thumbnail in my roll, thought you are on vacation, but you are here in your other blog which is not in my roll. I always love your Hemerocallis colors, may i know the diameter of one flower, and how long before it closes? I've just planted some seeds from a US blogger friend, hope it will grow well here. I accepted the seeds because they are growing well in your garden. thank you.

  4. Hi Bernie, you have beautiful spring flowers. I am really impressed that everyone stops for a minute to remember those who lost their lives in service. I wish we could rally in our country to do the same. Cheers, Jenni

  5. Great idea, Bernie. And this year is a once-in-a-hundred-years event, when Remembrance Day is on the 11/11/11.

  6. Dear Bernie. Here in Denmark we have the same tradition on nov. 11th. at 11 o´clock. There´s a service at the church, in our cemetary, as it´s here the war-graves are. People do come from various countries to visit the graves of their relatives, on this day. And a red ´poppy´ decorates each and every gravestone.
    Your flowers for today are fabulous. I esp. adore your Hibiscus rosa-sinensis.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Beautiful red flowers for this special day a perfect tribute. Hemerocallis 'Jamaican Midnight'
    is a stunner.

  8. You know I love daylilies and I have not heard of the ones you have posted. I will have to look them up and see if they are offered in my area. The colors would go so well with the ones I already have.


  9. A beautiful showing of reds Bernie. I think the moment of silence is such a wonderful idea. I am thankful to all those who do or have done service to keep us all in free.

  10. Great reds...especially the Hemerocallis. Lovely!

  11. Glorious selection - and I especially love the deep rich colourings of Hemerocallis - 'Jamaican Midnight'
    Have a lovely and safe weekend.


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