
Monday, November 14, 2011

Mosaic Monday ... Magnificent Million Dollar Views!

My beloved other half and I have just returned from a fabulous birthday celebration weekend at our favourite getaway location.  Just four hours drive along the highway north is Mission Beach where we've often spent weekends away in the last decade or so.  Well, this past weekend we didn't stay at our usual resort hotel, right on the beachfront, which I've written about before in an earlier post titled - On A Mission.

No, this time we stayed at a resort hotel that's atop a high cliffside with million dollar views out over the ocean.  When you arrive at the reception area you get a sense of the magnificent scenic views that await you as you walk through the foyer and bar area.

The pool area has million dollar views out over the Coral Sea.

If you walk over to the railing at the back of the pool area you realise very quickly just how high up you really are.

The resort is nestled in amongst a rainforest area that's been filled with loads of fabulous tropical plants.  The whole resort is interlinked with boardwalks that connect the rooms located at different positions on the cliffside.  Here's the palm tree lined boardwalk that led to our room.

The ocean views, of course, didn't stop at the poolside area.  There were magnificent views from our room,

and even when we went walking along various other boardwalks, the glorious blue ocean was always in sight.

Yes we did venture down to 'Lover's Bay', but unfortunately I forgot to take my camera with me!

The food was divine and even after a simple lunch, eaten while relaxing in the bar area, we felt obliged to go off wandering again.  At least we made a few token efforts at getting some gentle exercise and therefore didn't feel entirely guilty about the amount of time we spent just relaxing and chilling out in this beautiful spot!

I'm ever so grateful that my darling husband went along to a Business Luncheon and Auction organised to raise money for breast cancer research.  Luckily, his was the winning bid on a weekend for two package to the Elandra Resort and this even coincided beautifully with the fact that I celebrated a birthday in this last week.  Sometimes we really do feel rather blessed!

Please pop over and visit Mary at Little Red House for more fantastic Mosaic Monday posts.


  1. That looks absolutely magnficent! The view is stunning, but I'm particularly taken with the food. (It's sandwiches for lunch here.)

  2. Lol,Snail! This place is definitely not a spot we would normally frequent and I have to say the Sunday lunch pictured above was one of the best lunches I've ever had. Usually it's sandwiches for us for weekend lunches too ... and it's sandwiches during the working week as well. You're not alone on that.

  3. Wow. What a beautiful location. What a wonderful dearest you have. Not only supporting such a worthy charity but also winning a beautiful weekend away.

  4. Lucky you!! What a beautiful place!

  5. Wow! How lucky to win the bid. It looks absolutely divine. Such beautiful tropical views. Happy Birthday . Bernie, I have the ginger plant in the bottom right hand corner of the collage. When it flowers it goes brown almost straight away. Is that normal?

  6. No camera at Lover's Bay? Hmmmm. Now you have my imagination running . . . This looked like such a lovely getaway.

  7. Sue, hubbie certainly did well winning the highest bid for this lovely weekend away package. It was the only bid he made and thankfully it was successful.

    Jean it was a wonderful spot and I had to be dragged out to the carpark at the end of the weekend.

    Diane, that Shell Ginger you were talking about does brown very quickly. While I don't grow it myself, there's a clump of it at a local shopping centre and I often notice how quickly the blooms die off.

    Oh Laurrie! Your comment did make me chuckle. Let's just say, the camera was the last thing I was thinking about as we headed down the boardwalk stairs!!!

  8. Simply gorgeous! So many of us will wish we were there come January. LOL! Or this week even.

  9. Wow, this is my kind of resort. It looks like you would have been treated royally here and the view is magnificent.
    Thanks for sharing.

  10. Wow. This must be paradise...
    Have a nice week,

  11. Wow! definitely million dollar views and you have captured them beautifully. A glorious tranquil place.

  12. Oh how beautiful - I love all the different boardwalks. Of course we wouldn't expect you to the the camera to lovers beach - heavens!

  13. What a gorgeous place. You must have thought you were in heaven. Happy Birthday. V

  14. Girl...I hope you don't mind...I featured you on Tootsie Time, Growing 4 Seasons and Garden Chat Blog Today!!!
    You know I love reading you ...and thought many more should have the privelage!

  15. Bernie, what a fabulous way to celebrate your birthday! The views are just gorgeous. I had a difficult time looking at the photos of the plants, I kept scrolling back up to see the stunning ocean views! ;) Happy belated birthday!

  16. Wow what a place. I am over from Tootsie's place for the Wednesday Visit Party. Also you are a great photographer. Those flowers are absolutely beautiful. Loved this post.

  17. Happy Birthday Bernie and what a fabulous place to celebrate it. Stunning!!!

  18. Happy Birthday Bernie.
    A heavenly holiday resort.
    Lucky you, however, I´m sure you deserved being spoiled, and relaxing for the weekend.

  19. Happy belated Birthday! What nice timing, looks like a gorgeous place. I visited Mission Beach almost three decades ago, it's probably changed a lot.


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