
Friday, November 4, 2011

Flower Flaunt Friday ... Perfume In The Air.

It's been wonderful wandering around the courtyard and the shadehouse lately, as both spots are filled with such lovely perfumes. 

I know I flaunted the rather regal Oriental ladies last week, but they've been putting on such a brilliant display and filling the shadehouse with their heady fragrance, that I thought they deserved a little more time in the spotlight. 

One of the other rather pretty fragrances out in the courtyard right now, is the perfume of the Murraya paniculata.  This dwarf shrub has tiny little flowers that have the most beautiful fragrance.

Over on the other side of the courtyard, my Gardenia augusta has begun blooming for the first time.  This was a pass-along plant that I was given just over a year ago now.  It was in a very distressed and unhealthy state when I received it, but it's now doing so well and showing off its large creamy white fragrant flowers.  Having never grown Gardenias before, I'm now completely smitten with these stunning blooms.

Perfumes aside, the courtyard is filled with some lovely colour right now.  Some corners are looking as pretty as a picture!

Elsewhere, the Hemerocallis continue their show out in the tiered garden bed.

There's a brilliant contrast in the front yard between the fantastic colours of the Hemerocallis and the stark browns of the parched grass!  These Daylilies make the dry season easier to bear.

I'm joining Tootsie for her wonderful Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers meme.

I'm also joining Weekend Flowers, which is another great meme where you can get your fill of lovely flowers.


  1. Oh wow! Fantastic.... makes my heart sing to see wonderful flowers when I don't have one single bloom in my garden. I love the Murraya paniculata and the Gardenia augusta.
    It's good to see the sunshine to it's been so cold and dark today.

  2. Bernie, you really do mean dry! Gardinias have always been my favorite corsage flower. I had to be careful not to press it against my clothes or it would turn brown. People grow them indoors here but I have never had luck with them.


  3. I always enjoy all your flowers! I think that Murraya paniculata must be what I know as mock orange - I wish mine looked as good as yours! I also just recently got a tiny gardenia - I just love the scent, only had one flower, but it sure got its fair share of sniffing every time I walked past it :)

  4. Dear Bernie.
    Too often when I wish to comment on your magnificent blog, I do not succeed as the ´password´ won´t show up. Don´t know why ...
    I do hope I have more luck today ...
    I also love Gardenias, they fill the room with such a nice fragrance. And your Lillies are gorgeous too, you´ve just inspired me to grow my own. The Spathiphyllum walisii looks great in the company of that blue beauty. Will you tell me the name of it ?
    Once again I enjoyed visiting your blog.
    Have a great day. Love Iris, Denmark.

  5. What beautiful lilies! We pay quite a price for those in the flower shop. I am very envious of your garden right now as the leaves are falling here and cold is coming soon. Your garden is gorgeous!

  6. Oh Bernie ~ I LOVE your blooms. It would be such a joy to visit your gardens in person, but alas, I'll be content enjoying them via your blog. Thank you for sharing the loveliness that surrounds you.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  7. Gosh Fridays come around fast. once again you have a beautiful array of flowers for us. I just recently cut down an old Gardenia tree. It kept getting a wog in the leaves and I couldn't keep up with the continual spraying.

  8. Wow Bernie those blloms are gorgeous and I can smell them from here!!! Visiting from tootsie Today. Thrilled to find somewhere to link garden post up to!


  9. Bernie, the gardenia stopped me in my tracks, and that was right after I got moving again after seeing the Murraya paniculata......oh, what flowers!

    All the lilies and daylilies, sigh. Your garden is gorgeous, thank you for the lift in my spirits as I head out to clear my garden before the snow falls this afternoon.

  10. Wow! The lilies are looking so beautiful Bernie. I just adore your Gardenia though. Wish I could get that fragrance via the internet. LOL! Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Hi Bernie... when I miss our spring and summer, I sure know which blog to visit... such lovely blooms today! Larry

  12. thanks for this beautiful weekend flowers! all so lovely :)

  13. ...such a beautiful assortment of flowers; such joy you have in your gardens Bernie

  14. Gorgeous flowers! the garden is so lovely with so many blooms around.

  15. Beautiful pictures of some beautiful flowers.
    Wishing you a good weekend.
    / Hanne Bente

  16. Sueb, I'm glad I could brighten up your day a little. I'll make sure I keep posting lots of lovely flowers during your winter over there.

    Eileen, this is the first time I've grown a Gardenia and so far so good. Hopefully it will keep on flourishing.

    Thanks JBar.

    Africanaussie, yes you're right in saying that the common name for the Murraya is Mock Orange. It looks like we'll be growing our first Gardenias at the same time then.

    Iris, I'm so sorry to hear you're having so much trouble leaving a comment. I would just keep on clicking on the 'Post Comment' tab if there's a problem. Obviously this time it worked for you. You asked about the lovely purple flower in front of the Spathiphyllum. That's the bloom of a Duranta 'Geisha Girl'.

    Jean, thanks for visiting and hopefully you'll drop by a few more times for a flower fix during your wintertime.

    Flowerlady, I feel the same way about all the gardens I visit through blogs. It would be fantastic to see them in person.

    Diane, so far I've had no trouble with pests or disease on the Gardenia. But it's still very young so I'll see how it goes. What a shame you had so much trouble with yours.

    Veronicas, it's good to see you popping by for a visit. I've already visited your FF post and it was terrific.

    Lona, oh for scratch and sniff monitors!!!

    Larry, I'm glad you enjoyed the flowers today. Do drop by anytime when those winter skies come in and your garden goes to sleep for a while.

    You're most welcome, Tina!

    Carole, thank you for your lovely comment too.

    Jama, it's terrific that we have gardens that flower all year round so we can share the beauty.

    Hanne, so glad to see you drop by. Thanks for leaving your lovely comment.

  17. Now I can say I am very envious of your garden. All your flowers are great!!

    Red Mums

  18. Dear Bernie, I swear I can almost smell the fragrance in the first few pics. Hmmmmm ... cheers, catmint

  19. Your garden looks amazing!! Very beautiful!!

  20. Dear Bernie
    What a wonderful collection of flowers and stunning pictures.
    Thank you for visiting my Guildwood blog in Canada and leaving a message.
    - Gisela
    The world is so empty if one thinks
    only of mountains, rivers and cities;
    but to know someone here and there
    who thinks and feels with us,
    and though distant,
    is close to us in spirit -
    this makes the earth for us an inhabited garden.
    J.W.von Goethe


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